/PRIVILEGED[=(priv-name[,...])] /NOPRIVILEGED Installs the file as a known image with active privileges specified. If a privileged image is not located on the system volume, the image is implicitly installed /OPEN. Usage Notes o The set of privileges for a privileged image can be empty. o You must list each privilege every time you define or redefine privileges. o The /PRIVILEGED qualifier applies only to executable images. o You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier. o You cannot assign privilege names with the /NOPRIVILEGED qualifier. Installing Shareable Images Installing an image with privileges declares that the image is trusted to maintain system integrity and security properly. To maintain that trust, any routine called by the privileged image must also be trusted. For this reason, any shareable images activated for use by a privileged image must be installed. Only trusted logical names (names defined in executive and kernel mode) can be used in locating shareable images to be used by a privileged image. Interaction of /PRIVILEGED and /AUTHPRIVILEGES When you create a new entry, the privileges you assign are also assigned for Authorized Privileges if you do not assign specific authorized privileges with the /AUTHPRIVILEGED qualifier. When you replace an image, any privileges assigned with the /PRIVILEGED qualifier are not repeated as Authorized Privileges. Also, if you use the REPLACE command with the /NOAUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier, the Authorized Privileges become the same as the Default Privileges (set using the /PRIVILEGED qualifier). You can specify one or more of the privilege names described in detail in an appendix to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security. (ALL is the default.) For examples of how to use CREATE commands with /PRIVILEGES qualifiers, see the Examples section at the end of this command.