VMS Help  —  FORTRAN  Statements  GOTO  Computed
  Transfers control to a statement based upon the value of an
  expression within the statement.  This is an obsolescent feature in
  Fortrsn 95.  Statement format:

     GO TO (slist)[,]e

     slist  Is a list of one or more labels of executable
            statements separated by commas. The list of labels
            is called the transfer list.

     e      Is an integer arithmetic expression in the range
            1 to n (where "n" is the number of statement labels
            in the transfer list).

  If the value of "e" is less than one or greater than the number of
  labels in the transfer list, control is transferred to the first
  executable statement after the computed GO TO.


          This  statement  is  obsolescent  in  Fortran   95.
          HP  Fortran  flags  obsolescent  features,  but
          fully supports them.
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