The CDSA$VALIDATE program allows the user to check the validity of a manifest against the file that it was created from. It performs the same functionality as programmatically calling CDSA_FileValidate, but from a stand-alone program. SYNOPSIS $ CDSA$VALIDATE filename OPTIONS filename The full file specification of the file for which the manifest was created. Currently, the filename must be a Windows style path in order to be compatible with CDSA. The name of the manifest that is the digital signature of 'filename' is calculated from the target filename. The manifest has a file extension of "*.<ext>_ESW" where <ext> is the extension of the target file. EXAMPLE $ @sys$manager:cdsa$symbols $ validate /user1/mydirectory/foobar.pcsi RETURNS CDSA$VALIDATE will return SS$_NORMAL for success and 0 if the validation fails, or an error occurs.