Specifies that BACKUP is to ignore any volume structure on the input device and is to process the volume in terms of physical blocks. If you write a save set with the BACKUP/PHYSICAL command, you must also restore it with the BACKUP/PHYSICAL command. For physical copy operations between disks, the output device must be either the same size or a larger-capacity disk. If the output device is larger than the input device, only disk blocks less than the size of the input device are written to the output device. Depending on the volume structure of the input device, the extra uninitialized blocks at the end of the output device might create an unusable disk volume. If the input device contains a FILES-11 ODS-2 or ODS-5 volume, you can expand the volume size on the output device after the restore by using the DCL command SET VOLUME/LIMIT/SIZE. For all physical operations, the output disk cannot have a bad block in any location that corresponds to a good block on the input disk. (This restriction does not apply to RA or more recent disk architectures.)