Increases the number of Sort work files by any number from 1 to 10 inclusively to make each work file smaller. If the available disks are too small or too full for work files, increasing the number of files can improve the efficiency of the sort operation. Use only with the SORT command. High-performance Sort/Merge: The high-performance Sort/Merge utility allows you to specify from 1 to 255 work files. Format /WORK_FILES=n
1 – Qualifier Value
n Specifies the number of work files requested; 1 to 10 files may be specified. The default value is 2. High-performance Sort/Merge: The high-performance Sort/Merge utility allows you to specify from 1 to 255 work files. The default value is 1.
2 – Full Description
Sort does not create work files until it needs them. If Sort needs work files, it creates them, places them in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, and assigns them SORTWORKn logicals. Usually, there is no advantage to requesting more than one work file. However, if the available disks are too small or too full for Sort work files, you can increase the number of work files to make each work file smaller. High-performance Sort/Merge: You can also enhance performance by assigning each work file to a different disk.
3 – Examples
1.$ ASSIGN DRA5: SORTWORK0 $ ASSIGN DB0: SORTWORK1 $ ASSIGN DB1: SORTWORK2 $ SORT/KEY=(POS:1,SIZ:80)/WORK_FILES=3 - _$ STATS1,STATS2,STATS3,STATS4 SUMMARY.LIS Because the input files in this sort operation are large files, specifying three work files improves the efficiency of the sort operation. Note that you can also assign the work files to a specific directory on a device by including the directory name. For example, to assign SORTWORK0 to the [WORKSPACE] directory on DRA5, enter the following command: $ ASSIGN DRA5:[WORKSPACE] SORTWORK0