Valid for Alpha and Integrity server systems only.

    Displays information about the ACME server and ACME agent.

    Requires the SYSPRV privilege.



1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /AGENT

       /AGENT[=(agent,...agent)] (default)

    Specifies whether to display ACME agent information.

1.2    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays summary information.

1.3    /CLUSTER

    Executes the command on all cluster members.

1.4    /FULL

    Displays complete information.

1.5    /NODE


    Specifies the cluster member or members for which information is
    to be displayed.

1.6    /OUTPUT


    Sends the output information to the specified file.

1.7    /PAGE

    Displays information one screen at a time.

1.8    /SERVER

       /SERVER (default)

    Specifies whether to display ACME server information.

2  –  Example


      This example shows the output for SHOW SERVER ACME/BRIEF on an
      Alpha system.

 ACME Information on node TSINOD  29-JUN-2004 10:08:12.32  Uptime 000:05:45

 ACME Server id: 5  State: Processing New Requests [1]
    Agents Loaded:        2   Active:      2 [2]
    Thread Maximum:       4   Count:       4
    Request Maximum:      8   Count:       0

 ACME Agent id: 1  State: Active [3]
    Name: "VMS" [4]
    Identification: "VMS ACME built  3-JUN-1999" [6]
    Information: "No requests completed since the last startup" [7]
    Domain of Interpretation: Yes [8]
    Execution Order:      1 [9]

 ACME Agent id: 2  State: Active
    Name: "MSV1_0"
    Identification: "MSV1_0 ACME X-22"
    Information: "MSV1_0 ready to process requests."
    Domain of Interpretation: Yes
    Execution Order:      2

      The following are the item descriptions keyed to the numbers in
      brackets in the example output:

         1 Server state
         2 Server agent/thread/request-slot statistics
         3 Agent state
         4 Agent name
         5 Agent file-specification
         6 Agent-defined identification string (static)
         7 Agent-defined information string (dynamic)
         8 Domain-of-interpretation (DOI) indicator
         9 Execution order (the order in which agents are called for
         each request)


      This example shows the output for SHOW SERVER ACME/FULL on an
      Alpha system.

 ACME Information on node AUTUMN 25-SEP-2009 04:15:37.34
 Uptime 0 22:19:26

 ACME Server id: 255  State: Processing New Requests
    Agents Loaded:        2   Active:      2
    Thread Maximum:       1   Count:       1
    Request Maximum:    700   Count:       0  [1]
    Requests awaiting service:             0  [2]
    Requests awaiting dialogue:            0  [3]
    Requests awaiting AST:                 0  [4]
    Requests awaiting resource:            0  [5]
    Logging status: Active
    Tracing status: Inactive

 ACME Agent id: 1  State: Active
    Name: "VMS"
    Identification: "VMS ACME built  20-SEP-2006"
    Information: "Unused max 1: 0u 0r 0a 1a 1w 0m 0o 0c 1h 1d" [6]
    Domain of Interpretation: Yes
    Execution Order:      1
    Credentials Type:     1   Name: "VMS"
    Resource wait count:                   0  [7]

 ACME Agent id: 2  State: Active
    Name: "LDAP-STD"
    Identification: "LDAP ACME Standard V1.5"
    Information: "ACME_LDAP_DOI Agent is initialized"
    Domain of Interpretation: Yes
    Execution Order:      2
    Credentials Type:     3   Name: "LDAP"
    Resource wait count:                   0 [8]

      The following are the item descriptions keyed to the numbers in
      brackets in the example output:

         1 Number of requests currently handled by the ACME agent.
         2 Number of requests waiting to get serviced.
         3 Number of requests waiting for user dialogue/inputs.
         4 Number of requests waiting for system services to send
         5 Total number of requests waiting for the availability of
         ACME agents such as the VMS ACME and LDAP ACME agents.
         6 Internal counter values of VMS ACME agent.
         7 Number of requests waiting for the availability of
         resources such as the SYSUAF file from the VMS ACME agent.
         8 Number of requests waiting for the availability of
         resources such as the SYSUAF file from the LDAP ACME agent.
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