Displays information from the License Database on disk about
    the specified license or licenses. Use one or more qualifiers to
    control the form, content, and location of information displayed.

    The SHOW LICENSE command, described in the VSI OpenVMS DCL
    Dictionary and in this help, displays information from the
    License Database in memory.


      LICENSE LIST  [product-name[,...]]

1  –  Parameter


    Name or names of products with a license that you want to
    list. You can list only licenses that currently exist on disk
    in the License Database. You can specify one product name or
    use wildcard characters to display licenses. The product-name
    parameter is optional; the default is to display all of the

2  –  Qualifiers



    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
    list. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
    appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
    need it to identify the license.

    This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately
    precedes it in the command string.

2.2    /BEFORE

    Used with /TERMINATION_DATE and /RELEASE_DATE, selects only those
    licenses whose times are before the time specified with the other

    The /BEFORE qualifier cannot be used with the /SINCE qualifier.

2.3    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Specifies a listing from the License Database that includes only
    the license product and producer names.

2.4    /DATABASE


    Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
    specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
    points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
    OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
    use the default License Database name and location.

2.5    /FULL

    Specifies a listing from the License Database that includes a
    full display of the specified license or licenses.

2.6    /HISTORY

    Specifies a listing from the License Database that includes the
    history records in the License Database for the specified license
    or licenses.

2.7    /ISSUER


    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies the name of the company (for example, VSI) that issued
    the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you
    need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
    product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.

2.8    /OUTPUT


    Specifies the name of the file to which your list is written. If
    you do not specify the /OUTPUT qualifier, or if you do not supply
    a file specification with this qualifier, the output is sent to

2.9    /PRODUCER


    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies the name of the company (for example, VSI) that owns the
    product for which you have a license. Use this optional qualifier
    only if you need it to identify the license.

    This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately
    precedes it in the command string.



    Used with /BEFORE or /SINCE, specifies a listing from the License
    Database that includes only licenses with a release date on
    or after the date specified. The date must be presented in the
    standard OpenVMS format: dd-mmm-yyyy. The default value is /SINCE


    Produces a full display that includes the current selection
    weights assigned to individual PAKs.

2.12    /SINCE

    Used with /TERMINATION_DATE and /RELEASE_DATE, selects only those
    licenses whose times are after the time specified with the other

    /SINCE cannot be used with /BEFORE.



    Used with /BEFORE or /SINCE, specifies a listing from the License
    Database that includes only licenses with a termination date on
    or after the date specified. The date must be presented in the
    standard OpenVMS format: dd-mmm-yyyy. The default value is /SINCE

2.14    /VERSION


    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies the version number of the product for which you have
    a license. Versions use the format integer.integer. You can
    specify wildcard syntax as *.* but not * alone. Use this optional
    qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This
    qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
    it in the command string.

3  –  Description

    LICENSE LIST displays license records as they appear on disk
    in the License Database. LICENSE LIST /BRIEF does not produce
    a display with history records. You can control the displays as

    o  After you enter LICENSE LIST with the /BRIEF qualifier, you
       can scroll through the display with the arrow keys on your

    o  After you enter LICENSE LIST with the /FULL or /HISTORY
       qualifier, which displays the first LICENSE record, you can
       see the other records one at a time by pressing Return. You
       can also scroll through the license records using the Previous
       Screen key (or PF3) and the Next Screen key (or PF4).

    For any LICENSE LIST display, use the arrow keys to scroll
    vertically or horizontally one line at a time. Press Ctrl/Z to
    exit from the display.

    Note that a LICENSE LIST command may display the status of a
    registered license as Active. This means the registered license
    is enabled for loading; it has not been disabled. It does not
    necessarily mean the license was loaded with a LICENSE LOAD
    command. The LICENSE LIST command displays only information on
    disk in the License Database; enter SHOW LICENSE to determine all
    active licenses on the current system.

    You can also list licenses using the VMSLICENSE.COM command

4  –  Examples


      This example displays a list of the names of product licenses
      in the License Database on an OpenVMS Alpha system. Note that
      the LMF Version shown refers to the software that created the

        CTRL/Z to exit, PF3-PF4 for Prev-Next Screen, ArrowKeys to scroll.

         License Management Facility  V1.2

         License Database File:       WORK2:[BACKUP]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1
         Created on:                  20-JUL-2000
         Created by user:             USER_1
         Created by LMF Version:      V1.1

         Issuer:                      DEC
         Product Name:                OPENVMS-ALPHA
         Producer:                    DEC
         Units:                       500
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                 4-MAY-2001
         PAK Termination Date:        (none)
         Availability:                0
         Activity:                     000000100
         Options:                     MOD_UNITS
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              1
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     REGISTER


      This example displays a list of the names of product licenses
      in the License Database on an OpenVMS Integrity server system.

        CTRL/Z to exit, PF3-PF4 for Prev-Next Screen, ArrowKeys to scroll.

        License Management Facility  V2.0

         License Database File:       SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1
         Created on:                  11-MAR-2010
         Created by user:             SYSTEM
         Created by LMF Version:      V2.0


         Issuer:                      VSI
         Authorization:               USA-1715
         Product Name:                C
         Producer:                    VSI
         Units:                       3
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        31-DEC-2012
         Availability:                0
         Activity:                     000000001
         Options:                     IA64_ALPHA
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              1
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     REGISTER
         Modified by user:            SYSTEM
         Modified on:                 11-MAR-2010 12:18:59.95

         Issuer:                      VSI
         Authorization:               I64-AB-001
         Product Name:                DVNETEXT
         Producer:                    VSI
         Units:                       20
         Modified Units:              4
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        31-DEC-2012
         Options:                     IA64, PCL
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              2
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     MODIFY
         Modified by user:            SYSTEM
         Modified on:                 11-MAR-2010 12:29:42.18

         Issuer:                      VSI
         Authorization:               I64-AB-004
         Product Name:                OPENVMS-I64-BOE
         Producer:                    VSI
         Units:                       2
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        31-DEC-2012
         Options:                     IA64, PCL
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              1
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     REGISTER
         Modified by user:            SYSTEM
         Modified on:                 11-MAR-2010 12:33:26.19


      This example displays a listing with full information of a
      current Fortran license issued by VSI.

      The first screen, shown here, displays the most recent license
      record for the Fortran license. To see the history records
      one screen at a time, press Return. The revision level of
      the displayed record is 2, and the status is Active. The
      next screen would display the previous license record with a
      revision level of 1 and a status of Extinct.

        CTRL/Z to exit, PF3-PF4 for Prev-Next Screen, ArrowKeys to scroll.

         License Management Facility  V1.2

         License Database File:   ART::SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB

         Created on:                  17-AUG-2000
         Created by user:             USER_2
         Created by LMF Version:      V1.2

         Issuer:                      DEC
         Authorization:               USA-2468
         Product Name:                FORTRAN
         Producer:                    DEC
         Units:                       0
         Modified Units:              2000
         Version:                     5.4
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        31-DEC-2000
         Modified Termination Date:   30-NOV-2001
         Availability:                F (Layered Products)
         Activity:                    0
         Options:                     MOD_UNITS
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              2
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     MODIFY
         Modified by user:            DEGAS
         Modified on:                 19-AUG-2000 14:32:23.41
         Include:                     ART


      This example displays the full listing of a license that has
      been modified using the /VIRTUAL qualifier, for an OpenVMS
      guest system.

        License Management Facility  V2.0

        License Database File:       SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1
        Created on:                  1-MAR-2010
        Created by user:             SYSTEM
        Created by LMF Version:      V2.0


         Issuer:                      VSI
         Authorization:               I64-AB-001
         Product Name:                OPENVMS-I64-HAOE
         Producer:                    VSI
         Units:                       4
         Version:                     0.0
         Release Date:                (none)
         PAK Termination Date:        10-MAR-2011
         Options:                     IA64, PCL, VIRTUAL
         Product Token:
         Hardware ID:

         Revision Level:              2
         Status:                      Active
         Command:                     MODIFY
         Modified by user:            SYSTEM
         Modified on:                 8-MAR-2010 16:45:00.32
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