Enables an existing license in the License Database so that you
    can load it with LICENSE LOAD. This command cancels the effect
    the license disabled. Newly registered licenses are enabled by


      LICENSE ENABLE  product-name[,...]

1  –  Parameter


    Name or names of products with a license to enable. You can
    enable only licenses that currently exist in the License
    Database. Enter the product name exactly as it appears on your

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ALL

    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies that all licenses with the given product name should
    be enabled. This qualifier affects only the product name that
    immediately precedes it in the command string.



    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
    enable. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
    appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
    need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
    product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.

2.3    /DATABASE


    Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
    specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
    points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
    OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
    use the default License Database name and location.

2.4    /ISSUER


    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies the name of the company (for example, VSI) that issued
    the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you
    need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
    product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.

2.5    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Controls whether LICENSE ENABLE displays the name of each license
    that it enables.

2.6    /PRODUCER


    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies the name of the company (for example, VSI) that owns the
    product for which you have a license. Use this optional qualifier
    only if you need it to identify the license. This qualifier
    affects only the product name that immediately precedes it in
    the command string.

3  –  Description

    Use LICENSE ENABLE to reestablish disabled licenses as available
    for loading with a LICENSE LOAD command.

    Enabled licenses can combine with other licenses when loaded for
    use. Do not enable a license that has expired, and be sure that
    all include, exclude, and reservation lists are up to date.

    Use LICENSE LIST to inspect each license before you enable it.
    Use LICENSE MODIFY to change include, exclude, and reservation

    Because errors do not occur until enabled licenses are loaded,
    consider entering LICENSE LOAD immediately to load each newly
    enabled license on each appropriate node in an OpenVMS Cluster.
    If another combinable license for the same product is already
    loaded, first unload it with LICENSE UNLOAD. Use the DCL command
    SHOW LICENSE to see which licenses are currently active on your
    system. After you unload the other license, enter LICENSE LOAD
    to load the combination of the newly enabled license and the
    previously active license.

4  –  Example


      This command enables the license for DECset software. Because
      no database is specified, LMF uses the default database. Next,
      load the license with LICENSE LOAD.
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