Returns information about specified properties of a file or of a logical unit on which a file might be opened. The unit need not exist, nor need it be connected to a file. If the unit is connected to a file, the inquiry encompasses both the connection and the file. Statement format: Inquiring by File: INQUIRE (FILE=fi [,ERR=lbl][,IOSTAT=ivar][,DEFAULTFILE=def], flist) Inquiring by Unit: INQUIRE ([UNIT=]u [,ERR=lbl][,IOSTAT=ivar], flist) Inquiring by Output List: INQUIRE (IOLENGTH=len) olist fi Is a scalar default character expression specifying the name of the file for inquiry. lbl Is the label of the branch target statement that receives control if an error occurs. var Is a scalar integer variable that is defined as a positive integer if an error occurs and zero if no error occurs. def Is a scalar default character expression specifying a default file pathname (or file specification) string. flist Is one or more inquiry specifiers. Each specifier can appear only once. Information about the individual specifiers is available under the subtopic headings listed at the end of this Help topic. u Is an integer variable or constant specifying the logical unit number of the file, optionally prefaced by UNIT=. UNIT= is required if unit is not the first I/O specifier. The unit does not have to exist, nor does it need to be connected to a file. If the unit is connected to a file, the inquiry encompasses both the connection and the file. len Is a scalar integer variable indicating the number of bytes of data that would result from using "olist" in an unformatted output statement. olist Is a list of one or more output items. FILE=fi, UNIT=u, ERR=lbl, and IOSTAT=var can appear anywhere within the parentheses following INQUIRE. However, if the UNIT keyword is omitted, the unit specifier ("u") must be the first parameter in the list. An INQUIRE statement may be executed before, during, or after the connection of a file to a unit. The values assigned by the statement are those that are current when the INQUIRE statement executes. To get file characteristics, specify the INQUIRE statement after opening the file. (File characteristics are stored in the file header.)
ACCESS = acc acc Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values: 'SEQUENTIAL' If the file is open for sequential access 'DIRECT' If the file is open for direct access 'KEYED' If the file is open for keyed access 'UNDEFINED' If the file is not open
ACTION = act act Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values: 'READ' If the file is connected for input only 'WRITE' If the file is connected for output only 'READWRITE' If the file is connected for both input and output 'UNDEFINED' If the file is not connected
BLANK = blnk blnk Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'NULL' If null blank control is in effect for the file open for formatted I/O. (Blanks are ignored unless the field is all blanks, in which case it is treated as zero.) 'ZERO' If zero blank control is in effect. (All blanks other than leading blanks are treated as zeros.) 'UNDEFINED' If the file is not open or if the existing file is not open for formatted I/O.
BLOCKSIZE = bks bks Is a scalar integer variable. The "bks" is assigned the current size of the I/O buffer. If the unit or file is not connected, the value assigned is zero.
BUFFERED = bf bf Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values: 'NO' If the file or unit is connected and buffering is not in effect. 'YES' If the file or unit is connected and buffering is in effect. 'UNKNOWN' If the file or unit is not connected.
CARRIAGECONTROL = cc cc Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'FORTRAN' If the file is open with the FORTRAN carriage control 'LIST' If the file is open with implied carriage control (single spacing between records) 'NONE' If the file is open with no carriage control attribute 'UNKNOWN' If the file is not open
CONVERT = fm fm Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'LITTLE_ENDIAN': If the file is open with little endian integer and IEEE floating-point data conversion in effect. 'BIG_ENDIAN': If the file is open with big endian integer and IEEE floating-point data conversion in effect. 'CRAY': If the file is open with big endian integer and CRAY floating-point data conversion in effect. 'FDX': If the file is open with little endian integer and VAX F_floating, D_floating, and IEEE X_floating data conversion in effect. 'FGX': If the file is open with little endian integer and VAX F_floating, G_floating, and IEEE X_floating data conversion in effect. 'IBM': If the file is open with big endian integer and IBM System\370 floating- point data conversion in effect. 'VAXD': If the file is open with little endian integer and VAX F_floating, D_floating, and H_floating data conversion in effect. 'VAXG': If the file is open with little endian integer and VAX F_floating, G_floating, and H_floating data conversion in effect. 'NATIVE': If the file is open with no data conversion in effect. 'UNKNOWN': If the file or unit is not connected for unformatted I/O.
DELIM = del del Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values: 'APOSTROPHE' If apostrophes are used to delimit character constants in list-directed and namelist output 'QUOTE' If quotation marks are used to delimit character constants in list-directed and namelist output 'NONE' If no delimiters are used 'UNDEFINED' If the file is not connected, or is not connected for formatted data transfer
DIRECT = dir dir Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'YES' If the file is open for direct access 'NO' If the file is not open for direct access 'UNKNOWN' If the file is not open
10 – ERR
ERR = s s Is the label of an executable statement. ERR is a control specifier rather than a property specifier. If an error occurs during the execution of the INQUIRE statement, control is transferred to the statement whose label is "s".
11 – EXIST
EXIST = lv lv Is a logical scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: .TRUE. If the specified file exists and can be opened or if the unit exists .FALSE. If the specified file or unit does not exist or if the file exists but cannot be opened The unit exists if it is a number in the range allowed by the processor.
12 – FORM
FORM = fm fm Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'FORMATTED' If the file is open for formatted I/O 'UNFORMATTED' If the file is open for unformatted I/O 'UNDEFINED' If the file is not open
FORMATTED = fmd fmd Is a character character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'YES' If formatted I/O is allowed 'NO' If formatted I/O is not allowed 'UNKNOWN' If the processor cannot determine whether formatted I/O is allowed
IOSTAT = ios ios Is a scalar default integer variable. IOSTAT is a control specifier rather than a property specifier. The "ios" is assigned a processor-dependent positive integer value if an error occurs during execution of the INQUIRE statement; it is assigned the value zero if there is no error condition.
15 – KEYED
KEYED = kyd kyd Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'YES' If keyed access is allowed. 'NO' If keyed access is not allowed. 'UNKNOWN' If the processor cannot determine whether keyed access is allowed
16 – NAME
NAME = nme nme Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned the name of the file being inquired about. If the file does not have a name, "nme" is undefined. NOTE The FILE and NAME keywords are synonyms when used with the OPEN statement, but not when used with the INQUIRE statement.
17 – NAMED
NAMED = nmd nmd Is a logical scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: .TRUE. If the specified file has a name .FALSE. If the file does not have a name
NEXTREC = nr nr Is a scalar integer variable that is assigned a value as follows: - If the file is connected for direct access and a record (r) was previously read or written, the value assigned is r + 1. - If no record has been read or written, the value assigned is 1. - If the file is not connected for direct access, or if the file position cannot be determined because of an error condition, the value assigned is zero. - If the file is connected for direct access and a REWIND has been performed on the file, the value assigned is 1.
NUMBER = num num Is a scalar integer variable to which the logical unit number of the file is returned. No value is returned if the file is not connected to a unit.
OPENED = od od Is a logical scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: .TRUE. If the specified file or unit is open .FALSE. If the specified file or unit is not open
ORGANIZATION = org org Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'SEQUENTIAL' If the file is a sequential file 'RELATIVE' If the file is a relative file 'INDEXED' If the file is an indexed file 'UNKNOWN' If the file organization cannot be determined
22 – PAD
PAD = pd pd Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values: 'NO' If the file or unit was connected with PAD='NO' 'YES' If the file or unit was connected with PAD='YES'
POSITION = pos pos Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values: 'REWIND' If the file is connected with its position at its initial point 'APPEND' If the file is connected with its position at its terminal point (or before its end-of-file record, if any) 'ASIS' If the file is connected without changing its position 'UNDEFINED' If the file is not connected, or is connected for direct access data transfer and a REWIND statement has not been performed on the unit.
24 – READ
READ = rd rd Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values: 'YES' If the file can be read 'NO' If the file cannot be read 'UNKNOWN' If the processor cannot determine whether the file can be read
READWRITE = rdwr rdwr Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values: 'YES' If the file can be both read and written to 'NO' If the file cannot be both read and written to 'UNKNOWN' If the processor cannot determine whether the file can be both read and written to
26 – RECL
RECL = rcl rcl Is a scalar integer variable whose value depends on the following conditions: - If the file or unit is open, "rcl" is the maximum record length allowed in the file - If the file is not open, "rcl" is the maximum record length allowed in the file; or, if the maximum record length is 0, "rcl" is the length of the longest record in the file - If the file is segmented, "rcl" is the longest segment length in the file - If the file does not exist, "rcl" is 0. The assigned value is expressed in longwords (4-byte units) if the file is currently (or was previously) connected for unformatted data transfer; otherwise, the value is expressed in bytes.
RECORDTYPE = rtype rtype Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'FIXED' If the file is open for fixed-length records 'VARIABLE' If the file is open for variable-length records 'SEGMENTED' If the file is open for unformatted sequential I/O using segmented records 'STREAM' If the file's records are not terminated 'STREAM_CR' If the file's records are terminated with a carriage-return 'STREAM_LF' If the file's records are terminated with a line-feed 'UNKNOWN' If the processor cannot determine the record type or the file is not open
SEQUENTIAL = seq seq Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'YES' If sequential access is allowed for the specified file 'NO' If sequential access is not allowed 'UNKNOWN' If the access mode cannot be determined
UNFORMATTED = unf unf Is a character scalar memory reference that is assigned one of the following values: 'YES' If unformatted I/O is allowed for the specified file 'NO' If unformatted I/O is not allowed 'UNKNOWN' If the form cannot be determined
30 – WRITE
WRITE = wr wr Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values: 'YES' If the file can be written to 'NO' If the file cannot be written to 'UNKNOWN' If the processor cannot determine whether the file can be written to