Retrieves a copy of each specified element generation from a CMS
    library and marks it as reserved.


          RESERVE  element-expression "remark"

1  –  Command Parameters


    Specifies the element or elements from which a generation is
    to be reserved. An element expression can be an element name,
    a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated
    by commas. By default, CMS reserves the most recent generation
    on the main line of descent of each element designated by the


    Specifies a character string to be associated with the reservation
    and logged in the history file with this command. The remark is
    enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered, a null
    remark ("") is logged.

2  –  Description

    The RESERVE command sends a copy of the specified generation of
    each specified element to your current default directory (or to
    another location if you specified the /OUTPUT qualifier). Each
    element is marked as reserved. Usually, after you have modified
    the file, you return your changes to the library with the REPLACE
    command. Alternatively, you can cancel the reservation with the
    UNRESERVE command.

    You can reserve more than one generation of the same element if
    concurrent reservations are allowed.  If a generation of an
    element is reserved by you or another user, or a
    generation of the element is under review or has been rejected,
    CMS displays the current reservations and review comments, and
    prompts whether you want to proceed with the command. If you
    type YES, you are added to the list of current reservers. The
    transaction is recorded as an unusual occurrence.
    If you type NO or press RETURN, no action is taken.

    If a version of the output file exists in your default directory
    when you issue the RESERVE command, CMS notifies you. A new
    version is then created with the next higher version number.

    When you retrieve a generation of an element from a CMS library,
    CMS restores the file creation and revision times. The file that
    is placed in your directory has the same creation and revision
    times as the file that was used to create the generation that
    you are reserving. If you specify /MERGE, the file placed in your
    default directory has the current creation and revision times.

3  –  Qualifiers

3.1    /CONFIRM

    Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

    When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
    prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
    CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
    or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type
    any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an
    acceptable response.

    CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

    You cannot use /NOCONFIRM to override the prompt generated when
    you attempt to reserve a generation of an element that is already
    reserved by you or by another user.

3.2    /GENERATION[=generation-expression]

    Specifies a particular generation of the element that is to be
    reserved. If you omit /GENERATION, CMS reserves the most recent
    generation on the main line of descent.

3.3    /HISTORY="string"

    Specifies that history is to be included in the retrieved file.
    The quoted string specifies the format of the history. The quoted
    string must contain the characters #H or #B (lowercase is allowed)
    and can contain other printing characters. To include a quotation
    mark in the output history string, type it twice (""). To include
    a number sign (#) in the output history string, type it twice


    Prevents CMS from including the element history in the file. If
    you omit /NOHISTORY, and the retrieved element has the history
    attribute, CMS includes the element history in the output file. An
    element has the history attribute if the /HISTORY qualifier was
    specified on the CREATE ELEMENT or MODIFY ELEMENT command.

3.5    /LOG (D)

    Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
    on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
    successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
    /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
    warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
    of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.

3.6    /MERGE=generation-expression

    Controls whether another generation of the element (called the
    merge generation) is to be merged with the generation that is
    being reserved (called the retrieved generation).

    If you specify the /MERGE qualifier, CMS merges the lines of the
    two generations and delivers a single copy of the file to your
    default directory. The file that is placed in your directory has
    the current creation and revision times. The merge generation
    cannot be on the same line of descent as the retrieved generation.
    When there is a conflict between blocks of one or more lines, CMS
    includes the conflicting lines and flags the conflict.


    Specifies that the element cannot be reserved by another user
    while you have it reserved. You must replace or unreserve the
    element before others can reserve it. By default, CMS allows
    concurrent reservations if the element has the concurrent
    attribute set.

3.8    /NOTES="string"

    Specifies that notes are to be appended to the lines of the
    file as it is retrieved by the RESERVE operation. This qualifier
    overrides the element's nonotes attribute, if one was established.

    The quoted string specifies the format of the note. The quoted
    string can contain text or the characters #G (or #g), or both.
    If you specify /NOTES for an element that does not have the notes
    attribute enabled, then you must also specify /POSITION.

3.9    /NONOTES

    Specifies that notes are not to be embedded in the output file.
    If you omit /NONOTES, and the retrieved element has the notes
    attribute, CMS embeds notes in the output file. An element has
    the notes attribute if the /NOTES qualifier was specified on the

3.10    /OCCLUDE[=option,...]

    Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
    object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
    search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
    associated with the name of the object. The options field can
    contain the following keywords:

       ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
       ELEMENT (D)
       GROUP (D)
       CLASS (D)
       NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

    You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
    [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

    By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
    selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.

3.11    /OUTPUT[=file-specification]

    Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. If you omit the
    /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a
    file specification), CMS creates a file with the same name as the
    element in your default directory.

    If you reserve more than one element (by specifying wildcards or a
    group name for the element expression parameter), and you do not
    specify wildcards in the output file specification, CMS creates
    successive versions of the file indicated by /OUTPUT.

3.12    /NOOUTPUT

    Specifies that the generation is to be reserved, but that no
    output file is to be created.

3.13    /POSITION=column-number

    Specifies the column in which the note is to be placed. The column
    number is required and must be an integer in the range 1 to 511.
    The notes attribute or the /NOTES qualifier is required with the
    /POSITION qualifier.

    If the length of the line is less than the specified column
    number, the note appears at the column number. If the length of
    the line is greater than or equal to the column number, the note
    is placed at the next tab stop after the end of the line. (Tab
    stops are at positions 9 and every 8 characters thereafter.)

4  –  Examples

        _Remark: fix temporary descriptor bug
        %CMS-S-RESERVED, generation 13 of element

      This command reserves generation 13 of the element FILEIO.BLI.
      When the element is replaced, a successor generation is

        _Remark: add syntax for RECORD declaration
        Element SYNTAX.PAS currently reserved by:
          (1)  JERRYH     1     24-JUL-1988 16:17:45 "implement FOR
               loop syntax"
        Proceed?  [Y/N] (N): YES
        %CMS-S-RESERVED, generation 1 of element

      This example creates a concurrent reservation for the element
      SYNTAX.PAS. Because you type YES in response to the Proceed
      prompt, generation 1 of the element is reserved.

        _Remark:merging new I/O routines with library self checking
        %CMS-W-MERGECONFLICT, 31 changes successfully merged
        with 3 conflicts
        %CMS-S-RESERVED, generation 12 of element
        DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]COPY.BLI reserved and merged with
        generation 11A1

      This command merges generation 11A1 into generation 12 of the
      element COPY.BLI and reserves generation 12. The version that
      is delivered to the user directory contains the changes from
      both generations. Thirty-one changes were successfully merged.
      There were three conflicts between the two generations. These
      conflicts must be resolved by editing the file.
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