1  –  AUTO

    Changes the setting of auto-load, auto-perm, or exclude and
    include lists. When used with no qualifiers, this command causes
    the UCM server to reload the saved settings from disk.


       Once a device is made a permanent device, it is always
       configured and loaded, regardless of the settings for SET
       AUTO. To remove a permanent device, you must use the DELETE
       DEVICE command.


      SET AUTO

1.1  –  Qualifiers

1.1.1    /ENABLE


    The /ENABLE and /DISABLE qualifiers allow you to disable or
    selectively enable automatic loading and automatic permanence
    for all non-permanent devices. The two qualifiers have these

    Qualifier  Explanation

    /ENABLE    Allows you to selectively enable automatic loading
               permanence. Automatic permanence is ignored if
               automatic loading is disabled. However, you can enable
               automatic loading and disable automatic permanence.
               This allows devices to be configured but does not
               add them to the permanent database. Also, the OpenVMS
               device name cannot be persistent.
    /DISABLE   Allows you to disable device loading on a per-device

    Explanations of the keywords LOAD and PERM are in the following

    KeyworTerm             Explanation

    LOAD  Automatic        Allows the device to be automatically
          loading          configured-that is, the device driver is
                           loaded and an OpenVMS device is created
                           for it.
    PERM  Automatic        Causes the UCM to add the device to the
          permanence       permanent database. Once a device is added
                           to the permanent database, each time it
                           is connected to the system it will have
                           the driver loaded and the device name will
                           always remain the same-that is, it will be

    By default, automatic loading (LOAD) and automatic permanence
    (PERM) are enabled. Automatic permanence is ignored if automatic
    loading is disabled. However, you can enable automatic loading
    and disable automatic permanence. This allows devices to be
    configured but does not add them to the permanent database. (The
    OpenVMS device name might not be persistent in this case.)

1.1.2    /EXCLUDE


    The EXCLUDE and INCLUDE qualifiers allow more explicit control
    over which devices will be automatically configured.

    You can give each qualifier one or more device names, or partial
    device names. When you provide a partial device name, the
    trailing characters are wildcarded. You can include an explicit
    "*" wildcard to indicate all devices.

    UCM examines the EXCLUDE list before automatically configuring
    a device that is not in the permanent database. If the device is
    on the EXCLUDE list, UCM examines the INCLUDE list to determine
    if the device is explicitly included for loading. This allows
    you to specify a broad range of devices in the EXCLUDE list and
    to specify a narrow set of devices in the INCLUDE list (see the
    following example).

1.2  –  Example

  $ UCM

        EXCLUDE = (*)
        INCLUDE = (TX, DN)

      In this example, all devices are excluded with the exception
      of TX and DN devices. A joystick using AGA0, for example, will
      not be configured, but a disk DNA0 will be configured, as will

2  –  LOG

    Tells the configuration server to create a new log file. You must
    use the /NEW qualifier with this command.

    Requires OPER privilege.


      SET LOG  /NEW

2.1  –  Qualifier

2.1.1    /NEW

    Creates a new SYS$MANAGER:USB$UCM_EVENTS.DAT file. This qualifier
    is required with the SET LOG command.
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