TPUHELP.HLB  —  Keynames Table
  Keynames Table

  The following tables show TPU keynames for the corresponding keys on
  the LK201 and VT100-series keyboards:

  TPU Keynames for the Editing and Auxiliary Keypad
                         Keyboard marking
     Keyname         LK201           VT100-series
     PF1             PF1             PF1
     PF2             PF2             PF2
     PF3             PF3             PF3
     PF4             PF4             PF4
     KP0,...,KP9     0,...,9         0,...,9
     PERIOD          .               .
     COMMA           ,               ,
     MINUS           -               -
     ENTER           Enter           ENTER
     UP              Up arrow        Up arrow
     DOWN            Down arrow      Down arrow
     LEFT            Left arrow      Left arrow
     RIGHT           Right arrow     Right arrow
     E1              Find
     E2              Insert Here
     E3              Remove
     E4              Select
     E5              Prev Screen
     E6              Next Screen
     HELP            Help
     DO              Do
     F6,...,F20      F6,...,F20

     Note:  Keys F1 through F5 are reserved by the operating system and
            cannot be defined.  See help on NONDEFINABLE KEYS.

  TPU Keynames for Keys on the Main Keyboard
                         Keyboard marking
     Keyname         LK201        VT100-series
     TAB_KEY         Tab          TAB
     RET_KEY         Return       RETURN
     DEL_KEY         <X]          DELETE
     LF_KEY          LINE FEED
     BS_KEY          BACK SPACE
     FS_KEY ----+
     GS_KEY     |
     RS_KEY     +--> See the programmer reference manual for
     NUL_KEY    |    your terminal (VT220, Vt240, and so on).
     US_KEY ----+
     CTRL_A_KEY      CTRL/A       CTRL/A
         :             :            :
         :             :            :
     CTRL_Z_KEY      CTRL/Z       CTRL/Z

     Note:  CTRL/A means you press and hold the CTRL key while you type the
            letter A (upper- or lower-case).

  TPU Keynames for Mouse Keys

     Each key on the mouse (or other pointing        ___________________
     device) is effectively two keys, which         |  _      _      _  |
     are defined separately -- the down-stroke      | | |    | |    | | |
     (or press) and the up-stroke (or release)      | | |    | |    | | |
     --  as shown in the figure at the right:       | | |    | |    | | |
                                                    | | |    | |    | | |
                                                    | |_|    |_|    |_| |
                                                     M1DOWN  M2DOWN  M3DOWN
                                                     M1UP    M2UP    M3UP

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