Adds a component to the startup database. Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the startup database. Format STARTUP ADD FILE filespec
1 – Parameters
FILE Adds a component to the startup database. SYSMAN modifies STARTUP$STARTUP_LAYERED by default. filespec Specifies which file to add to the startup database. Each component of the startup database must have a file type of .COM or .EXE and reside in SYS$STARTUP.
2 – Qualifiers
/CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether SYSMAN displays the file specification of each file before adding it to the startup database and requests you to confirm the addition. If you specify /CONFIRM, you must respond to the prompt with a Y (Yes) or a T (True) and press Return before the file is added. If you enter anything else, such as N or No, the requested file is not added.
2.2 /LOG
/LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether the STARTUP ADD command displays the file specification of each file after it has been added.
2.3 /MODE
/MODE=mode Specifies the mode of execution for the file. Valid modes include DIRECT, SPAWN, BATCH, or ANY.
2.4 /NODE
/NODE=(node1,node2,...,noden) Names the nodes within the cluster that run the file during startup. By default, a startup file executes on all nodes in the cluster.
/PARAMETER=(P1:arg1,P2:arg2,...,P8:arg8) Specifies the parameters that are to be passed to the file during startup. Parameters that are omitted receive the default parameters defined by the system parameter STARTUP_Pn. If STARTUP_Pn is blank, "FULL" is used as parameter 1 (P1) and is passed by STARTUP.COM to each startup component file. If you want a blank P1 parameter given to a specific component file, use the command: SYSMAN> STARTUP MODIFY FILE""
2.6 /PHASE
/PHASE=phase-name Indicates the phase within system startup when the file is to be executed. Valid phases include LPBEGIN, LPMAIN, LPBETA, and END. LPMAIN is the default.
3 – Description
The STARTUP ADD command adds a component to the startup database. Startup components are the command procedures or executable files that perform actual startup work. Files from the startup database are used to start the operating system, site-specific programs, and layered products. STARTUP$STARTUP_VMS and STARTUP$STARTUP_ LAYERED list the components of the startup database. Because an OpenVMS Cluster typically shares one copy of the startup database, the SYSMAN environment can be defined as clustered or as a single node within the cluster.
4 – Example
SYSMAN> STARTUP ADD FILE /MODE=DIRECT /PHASE=LPMAIN - _SYSMAN> DECSET$ENVMGR_STARTUP.COM This command adds a record to the startup database that starts the DECSET environment manager software.