Reads a set of system parameters into the work area for display
    or modification.


      PARAMETERS USE  source

1  –  Parameter


    The source of a system parameter file for data to be read into
    the work area. The source can be any of the following items:

    ACTIVE   Read parameters from memory. When you invoke SYSMAN,
             active values are in effect.
    CURRENT  Read parameters from the default system parameter file,
             which is the source for parameters when you boot the
             system. Using the current parameters requires read (R)
             access to the system parameters file.

             o  On Alpha systems, the file that contains current
                parameters is SYS$SYSTEM:ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR.

             o  On Integrity servers, the file that contains current
                parameters is SYS$SYSTEM:IA64VMSSYS.PAR.

    filespec Read parameters from a previously created system
             parameter file. The default file type is .PAR. You need
             read access to the file.
    DEFAULT  Read a parameter set containing the default values
             for all parameters. These values are supplied with the
             operating system.

2  –  Description

    Depending on the source you enter with the command, PARAMETERS
    USE activates the parameter values:

    o  Stored in memory (ACTIVE)

    o  Stored in the default boot parameter file (CURRENT)

    o  From another file (filespec)

    o  From the system default values (DEFAULT)

3  –  Example


      The first command activates the default parameter values that
      are supplied with the operating system. The second command
      sets the STARTUP_P1 system parameter to "minimum." This avoids
      starting all layered products on a system that is not tuned for
      them, which might cause the system to hang.
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