Removes one or more records from the ALF database. Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the SYSALF database (SYS$SYSTEM:SYSALF.DAT). Format ALF REMOVE device
1 – Parameter
device Specifies the terminal name or port name whose record you want to remove from ALF. The device name is required, even if you use qualifiers with the ALF REMOVE command. You can use wildcard characters in the terminal name or port name. For example, if you specify the device TTA*, the system removes all records that start with the string TTA. The system does not, however, remove any records that start with the string <nodename>$TTA (where <nodename> is the system's SCSNODE name). To remove records starting with $, you would have to specify $TTA* or use two wildcards: *TTA*. If you omit wildcard characters and enter a REMOVE command, SYSMAN attempts to match the device name exactly. If more than one record matches the criteria, SYSMAN displays an error message.
2 – Qualifiers
/USERNAME=user Enables you to remove a record in ALF for a specific user associated with a device. You must also enter the device when you use the /USERNAME qualifier. You can use wildcard characters with the /USERNAME qualifier.
Displays a message asking you to verify that you want to remove the record.
2.3 /LOG
Displays each device name and user name after it has been removed from the ALF database.
3 – Description
The ALF REMOVE command removes one or more records from the ALF database. NOTE VSI recommends that you use caution when issuing REMOVE commands from Version 6.1 or lower SYSMAN clients to Version 6.2 or higher systems.