Directs PEdriver to stop using the specified LAN device. The
    original (and still supported) way to stop PEdriver on a LAN


       If you use either STOP LAN_DEVICE or SYS$EXAMPLES:LAVC$STOP_
       BUS to stop the only connection you have to a cluster, you
       cause the system to CLUEXIT.

       Even when you have have another connection using a
       different cluster port, stopping all LAN devices results
       in excessive activity. When PEdriver loses access to all
       of its LAN devices, it makes an effort to restore cluster
       communications by completely re-initializing itself.

       After the last LAN device is stopped, the reinitilization
       produces an error message similar to the following:

           SCACP> STOP LAN *
           ;%PEA0, Port is Reinitializing ( 49 Retries Left). Check the Error Log.

       After the displayed retry count is exceeded, PEdriver
       permanently goes offline.

       To disable cluster use of all but 1 LAN device, enter the
       following command:

           SCACP> STOP LAN * /EXCLUDE=landevicename

       All LAN devices except the excluded device are stopped, and
       PEdriver does not need to be reset.


      STOP LAN_DEVICE  landevicename
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