PCAC_HELP.HLB  —  pcacui
  The Performance and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS
  (PCA) analyzes the run-time behavior of your user
  application. PCA serves the following functions:

  o  It pinpoints execution bottlenecks in an application
     program, and then lets you determine their causes.

  o  It analyzes test coverage by measuring which parts
     of an application are or are not executed by a given
     set of test data.

1  –  About frame


  HP CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential
  proprietary software licensed by Hewlett-Packard
  Development Company, L.P., and is not authorized to
  be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the
  prior written permission of HP.

  © 2015 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company,

  confidential proprietary software licensed by VMS
  Software, Inc., and is not authorized to be used,
  duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior
  written permission of VMS Software, Inc.

  © 2015 Copyright VMS Software, Inc.


  For more information about the PCA Collector, double
  click on Overview of PCA from the additional topics

2  –  Overview frame

  PCA collects performance information on your
  application and lets you view that information
  to observe the runtime characteristics of your
  application, such as:

  o  Where your application spends the most time

  o  What parts of your application are executed the most

  o  What parts of your application are compute-bound or

  o  What areas of your application are, or are not,
     executed by tests

  o  What the dynamic call relationships are among the
     routines in your application

  o  Where page faults occur

  o  Where you use system services

  With this information, PCA helps you pinpoint important
  qualities of your application, such as the location
  and nature of performance bottlenecks, or how effective
  your test coverage is.

2.1  –  ElaTimInfo frame

  Collecting elapsed time information gives you a broad
  measure of where your application is spending the most
  elapsed, or wall-clock, time. Elapsed time includes
  wait loops and other factors, both internal and
  external to your application, that affect how long
  it takes for your application to complete.

  To collect elapsed time information on your

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the Process Execution query category.

  o  Click on the elapsed time query.

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the
  elapsed time data collection, you can refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.

2.2  –  ProTimInfo frame

  Collecting process time information on your application
  tells you where your application is spending the most
  process, or CPU, time. Process time excludes external
  factors such as device wait loops and system load from
  the data sampling on your application. Thus you get a
  good indication of where your application has compute-
  bound performance bottlenecks.

  To collect process time information on your

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the Process Execution query category.

  o  Click on the process time query.

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the
  process time query, refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.

2.3  –  TesCovInfo frame

  Collecting test coverage information on your
  application can tell you how effectively and completely
  your tests exercise the codepaths in your application.
  Test coverage information can tell you which lines of
  code were, or were not, covered.

  To collect test coverage information on your

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the Coverage query category.

  o  Click on the query related to the coverage
     information you are interested in.

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the
  coverage queries, refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.

2.4  –  ExeCtsInfo frame

  Collecting execution counts information tells you
  what parts of your application are executed most when
  you place breakpoints at specific program locations.
  Execution counts information can be very useful for
  giving clues to the reason why a particular routine or
  algorithm is consuming a lot of time.

  To collect counting information on your application:

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the Execution Counts query category.

  o  Click on the query related to the exact counting
     information you want.

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the
  execution counts query category, refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.

2.5  –  IoOpsInfo frame

  Collecting I/O usage information tells you where your
  application is performing I/O operations, and gives
  detailed information on each I/O operation it records.
  Collecting I/O information can give you more detailed
  information than you can get from collecting system
  services information.

  To collect I/O usage information on your application:

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the I/O Usage query category.

  o  Click on the specific I/O query you are interested
     in getting information on.

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the I/O
  Usage queries, refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.

2.6  –  SysSerInfo frame

  Collecting system service usage information on your
  application is useful for determining where and your
  program calls each system service and what parts of
  your application use system services the most. For each
  system service call, PCA gathers the following data:

  o  The system service index

  o  The PCA address of the system service call

  o  The current process, or CPU, time

  To collect system service usage information on your

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the System Service Uages query category.

  o  Click on the specific system service usage query
     that you are interested in collecting information

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the system
  service usage queries, refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.

2.7  –  AdaTskInfo frame

  Collecting Ada Tasking information gives you the
  following tasking information on your Ada application:

  o  What tasks are performing context switching

  o  What Ada tasking names are used

  o  What Ada tasking types are used

  o  What Ada task priorities are used

  To collect Ada Tasking information on your application:

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the Ada Tasking query category.

  o  Click on the query related to the specific tasking
     information you are interested in collecting.

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the Ada
  tasking queries, refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.

2.8  –  RouCalInfo frame

  Collecting Dynamic Call information on your application
  tells you:

  o  Your application's call tree structure

  o  What routines call other routines

  o  Which routines make the most calls

  Unlike the static call stree structure provided by
  SCA, the dynamic call tree produced by PCA shows the
  runtime characteristics of the relationships among your
  application's routines during a given test run.

  To collect Dynamic Call information on your

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the Dynamic Call Information query category.

  o  Click on the specific query related to the
     information you are interested in collecting.

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the
  Dynamic Call Information queries, refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.

2.9  –  PagFltInfo frame

  Collecting Page Fault information on your application
  tells you where page faults are occurring and what
  addresses in your application are causing page faults.

  To collect Page Fault information on your application:

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Run your application. This causes the PCA Collector
     to take control of your application. PCA diplays the
     Collector main window on your screen.

  o  From the File pull-down menu, create a data file
     into which the Collector places performance data.

  o  Choose the Page Faults query category.

  o  Click on the query related to the specific page
     fault information you are interesting in collecting.

  o  Click on Collect in the Collector main window.

  For information on displaying the results of the Page
  Faults queries, refer to:

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

  o  The online help for the PCA Analyzer.

2.10  –  DisPerInfo frame

  To display the results of the performance data you have
  collected on your application:

  o  Invoke the Analyzer from the main PCA startup window

  o  Select the query category you collected performance
     information on

  o  Select the specific query you chose during the
     collection run

  The Analyzer diplays performance data in one of the
  following types of charts:

  o  Histograms

  o  Tables

  o  Annotated source listings

  o  Call trees

  For more information in displaying performance results,
  refer to:

  o  The online help for the Analyzer

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

2.11  –  LnkColInfo frame

  To compile and link your application with the PCA

  1. Compile your sources with the "/DEBUG" qualifier;

     This puts all the necessary symbolic information PCA
     needs into the object file.

  2. The following steps specifies the PCA Collector as
     your program's "debugger":

      i  Link your program with the "/DEBUG" qualifier;

     ii  Define the logical name LIB$DEBUG as

  3. If PCAC$DECW$DISPLAY is defined ensure it is not set
     to " ";

  4. If PCAC$DECW$DISPLAY is undefined ensure
     PCA$DECW$DISPLAY is not set to " ";

  5. Define a valid display device:

     a.  Either:

          i Use the "SET DISPLAY/CREATE/NODE=node-name"
            command to define the display device;

     b.  Or:

          i Define the logical name DECW$DISPLAY as a
            valid display device;

  6. Run your program;

  7. When the Collector window appears on the screen, you
     have successfully invoked the Collector.

2.12  –  HowToColl frame

  To collect performance information on your application:

  o  Compile and link your application with the PCA

  o  Issue the run command for your application. This
     causes the PCA Collector window to appear on your

  o  In the Collector window, click on the File pull-down
     menu and choose New Datafile... to create a data
     file into which the Collector places performance

  o  Click on the Query Category button to see the
     Query Category menu, from which you can select the
     category of performance data you are interested in

  o  Click on the specific query category you are
     interested in. This causes the specific queries
     for that query category to be displayed in the
     query pane at the bottom half of the Collector main

  o  Click on the specific query related to the
     information you are intersted in collecting.

  o  Click on Collect, in the middle of the Collector
     main window.

  o  Invoke the Analyzer to see the results of your
     performance data collection.

  Note that you can collect information from only one
  query at a time. That is, you must do a separate
  collection run for each query you choose. You can
  append the results of multiple collection runs to one
  performance data file, allowing you to analyze all your
  performance data together.

  For more information on collecting and displaying
  performance information, refer to:

  o  The online help, which is context-sensitive. This
     means you can click on any object in a PCA window
     and get help on it by simultaneously pressing
     the Help key on your keyboard while you press and
     hold MB1 on the mouse.For more information on using
     online help, see the Help menu on any PCA screen.

  o  The hardcopy manual, Guide to DIGITAL Performance
     and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems

2.13  –  CCTPCAInfo frame

3  –  DECbasics frame

  Information about using DECwindows, such as how to use
  windows, dialog boxes, and scroll bars, is available
  from Session Manager help. A glossary of DECwindows
  terms is also available. To get Session Manager help:

  1. Move the pointer to the Session Manager icon (the
     icon with your user name and the name of your
     system) in the Icon Box.

  2. Press mouse button 1 (MB1) twice quickly to display
     the Session Manager window.

  3. Move the pointer to the Help menu; press and hold
     MB1 to pull down this menu.

  4. Move the pointer to the Overview menu item and
     release MB1 to display information about using

4  –  Glossary frame

  o  Bottleneck

     Specific areas of an application where the
     performance needs to be improved.

  o  Chart

     The pictorial representations of the information
     presented in the Analyzer.

  o  Correlation Table

     A chart that shows the relationship between several
     kinds of information.

  o  Counting

     Collection information about each and every
     occurrence of some event.

  o  CPU Bound

     Description of a process in which the time spent
     executing code on a processor is greater than the
     time spent performing I/O operations.

  o  Data Item

     Pieces of information that are gathered by the PCA
     Collector and presented by the PCA Analyzer.

  o  Elapsed Time

     Time as measured by a clock or a watch. Elapsed time
     accumulates regardless of the state of the process
     being timed.

  o  Granularity

     The amount of detail presented in a chart. En
     example for increasing granularity is charting a
     set of modules, then the routines in a particular
     module, then the source lines in particular routine.

  o  Histogram

     A chart that graphically presents the frequency of

  o  I/O Bound

     An I/O bound process is one in which the time spent
     is performing I/O operations is far greater than the
     time spent executing code.

  o  Module

     A generic term for a collection of routines. See

  o  Process Time

     Time during which a process is actually running.
     Another name for this is CPU process being
     timestime. Process time increments only when the
     timed is actually running on a CPU. No time is
     accumulated when the process is not running.

  o  Program Element

     A generic term for a component of an application,
     such as a module, routine, line, or statement.

  o  Routine

     A generic term for a function, procedure, routine,
     or subroutine, depending on the programming language
     you are using. See Module.

  o  Query

     A question or inquiry made by the user. For example,
     "How many times were all of the routines in this
     application called?"

  o  Sampling

     The collection os a subset of possible events that
     allow statistical prediction of the outcome of
     collecting information about the entire set.

  o  Sampling Rate

     The time between sampling timer ticks.

  o  Selection

     An item that the user has indicated interest in,
     generally by clicking on the item.

  o  Sort Order

     The order in which a chart is sorted; for
     example, from the largest to the smallest value,
     alphabetically, or not at all.

  o  Table

     A chart that presents values expresses by means
     other than percentages.

  o  Viewpoint

     The perspective from which you observe data. For
     example, if you have collected information about
     the system services used by your application, you
     can look at this system services information from
     the perspective of either where system services were
     used or what those system services are.

  o  Zoom In

     To change a chart to be of a finer granularity.

  o  Zoom Out

     To change a chart to be of broader granularity.

5  –  uidgen MnWind

  The main window of the Collector lets you:

  1. Select an application to collect performance or
     coverage information on

  2. Ask a question relating to the category of
     performance or coverage information you want to

  3. Start the collection process

  For more information on the PCA Collector, see the
  Guide to DIGITAL Performance and Coverage Analyzer for
  OpenVMS Systems or topics from the Additional Topics
  window below.

5.1  –  uidgen HelpBox

  The Help pull-down menu contains the following

  o  On Context - provides a way to get access to
     context-sensitive help.

  o  On Window - provides a brief description of the
     Collector main window.

  o  On Help - describes how to get access to the
     context-sensitive help.

  o  On Version - identifies the product name, version
     number, and copyright information.

  You can get help in two ways:

  o  To get help about Collector tasks, choose Overview
     from the Help menu.

     The Overview topic describes the application and
     lists additional topics that explain how to do
     common tasks when using the Collector. Double click
     on an additional topic for more information.

  o  To get help about screen objects, such as data
     types, dialog boxes, and buttons, press and hold
     the HELP key while you click on the screen object in
     which you're interested in getting help.

5.2  –  uidgen MenuBar

  The PCA Collector menu bar contains the following

  o  File - for creating a data file into which to store
     performance or coverage data; to select an existing
     data file into which the collected information is
     to be be placed; to select a user-written sharable
     image on which to collect performance or coverage
     information; and to exit from the Collector.

  o  Options - for naming a specific collection run you
     are performing; to setting collection ranges for
     information; and for modifying the default sampling
     rate for for any of the sampling timers.

  o  Help - for providing topical access to online help.

5.2.1  –  File Cascade

  Use the File pull-down menu to:

  1. Create the data file in which the collected
     information is to be placed.

  2. Select an existing data file in which the collected
     information is to be placed.

  3. Select a user-written sharable image on which to
     collect performance or coverage information.

  4. Exit from the Collector.  –  Create dfile Btn

  Choose New Datafile... from the File pull-down menu to
  create a data file in which you want the performance
  or coverage information collected. You should create
  a new data file only for your first collection run on
  an application. If you have already done a collection
  run on a specific application, you should use Select
  Datafile... to append new collection information to an
  existing data file.  –  Select dfile Btn

  Choose Open Datafile... from the File pull-down menu to
  select an existing data file to which new performance
  or coverage information is to be appended. If you
  have already done a collection run on a specific
  application, you should use Open Datafile... to keep
  all your performance and coverage information on an
  application in one place.  –  Select Image Btn

  Choose Select Image... from the File pull-down menu to
  select a sharable image in which you want to collect
  performance or coverage information. Note that there
  are two kinds of sharable images: user-written, and
  provided. You can use PCA only with user-written
  sharable images.  –  Exit Btn

  Choose Exit from the File pull-down menu to terminate
  the current Collector session.

5.2.2  –  Customize Cascade

  The Options pull-down menu lets you control your run-
  time environment with the following menu items:

  o  Collection Name... - to specify a name for a
     particular collection run

  o  Counting Range... - to specify the parts of your
     application on which you want to collect execution
     count information

  o  Coverage Range... - to specify the parts of your
     on which application you want to get coverage

  o  Interval... - to modify the default value sampling
     rate for any of the sampling timers  –  Set Coll Name Btn

  Choose the Collection Name... menu item from the
  Options pull-down menu to associate a name and comment
  with a particular collection run.  –  Set Count Btn

  Choose the Counting Range... menu item from the
  Options pull-down menu to specify the parts of your
  application on which you want to obtain execution
  counts information.  –  Set Cover Btn

  Choose the Coverage Range... menu item from the
  Options pull-down menu to specify which parts of
  your application you want to obtain test coverage
  information on.  –  Set Int Btn

  Choose the Interval... menu item from the Options pull-
  down menu to modify the default value sampling rate for
  the elapsed time and process time sampling timers.

5.2.3  –  Help Cascade

  The Help menu contains the following entries:

  o  On Context - Converts the mouse pointer to a reverse
     question mark, allowing you to obtain help on any
     object you click on. When you click on an object,
     PCA displays the DECwindows Help Widget, containing
     help specific to the object you clicked on.

  o  On Help - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing a list of topics you can obtain help

  o  On Window - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing a list of topics you can obtain help on.

  o  On Version - Displays the DECwindows Help Widget,
     containing the version identifier of PCA software
     you are running and a copyright notice.  –  on context Btn

  When you click on On Context, PCA provides a fast way
  to obtain context-sensitive help on any object you
  click on in the Collector window.

  Note that when you click on On Context, the arrow
  pointer converts to a reverse question mark, indicating
  you are in Context-Sensitive Help mode. To revert to
  regular mouse input mode, click on On Context again.  –  on help Btn

  To get help on using the Collector, you can use one of
  two methods:

  o  Choose On Context from the Help menu. Then click on
     any object in the Collector window on which you want

  o  Press and hold MB1 on any object in the Collector
     main window on which you want help, and press the
     Help key on your keyboard.  –  on window Btn

  PCA collects performance information on your
  application and lets you view that information
  to observe the runtime characteristics of your
  application, such as:

  o  What parts of your application are executed the most

  o  What parts of your application are compute-bound or

  o  What areas of your application are, or are not,
     executed by tests

  o  What the dynamic call relationships are among the
     routines in your application

  o  Where page faults occur

  o  Where you use system services

  With this information, PCA helps you pinpoint important
  qualities of your application, such as the location
  and nature of performance bottlenecks, or how effective
  your test coverage is.  –  on version Btn


  HP CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential
  proprietary software licensed by Hewlett-Packard
  Development Company, L.P., and is not authorized to
  be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the
  prior written permission of HP.

  © 2015 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company,

  confidential proprietary software licensed by VMS
  Software, Inc., and is not authorized to be used,
  duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior
  written permission of VMS Software, Inc.

  © 2015 Copyright VMS Software, Inc.


  For more information about the PCA Collector, double
  click on Overview of PCA from the additional topics

5.3  –  work area PaneWin

  The PCA Collector main window contains three main

  o  The menu bar, at the top

  o  The main work area, in the middle

  o  The query panel, at the bottom

5.3.1  –  top Form

  In the main work area, you can do the following:

  o  Choose a query category from the Query Category menu

  o  Choose a query in the query panel

  o  Start the collection run  –  appl Lab

  This field shows the name of the application that has
  been linked with the PCA Collector.  –  appl text Txt

  This field shows the name of the application that has
  been linked with the PCA Collector.  –  data Lab

  This field shows the name of the data file into
  which the Collector stores performance or coverage
  information.  –  data text Txt

  This field shows the name of the data file into
  which the Collector stores performance or coverage
  information.  –  collect Btn

  After you have chosen a query from the query panel,
  click on Start Collection to begin the PCA information
  collection phase.  –  category OptMenu

  The Query Category pull-down menu lets you choose a
  category of queries to display in the Collector query
  pane. The available categories are:

  o  Process Execution Information - displays queries
     relating to process execution information, such as
     elapsed time, system time, and so on.

  o  Execution Counts - displays queries relating to
     execution counts of lines, modules, routines, and
     routine calls.

  o  Coverage - displays queries relating to codepath
     coverage information.

  o  Dynamic Call Information - displays queries relating
     to call tree structure and calling relationships.

  o  I/O Usage - displays queries relating to I/O

  o  System Service Usage - displays queries relating to
     system service usage.

  o  Page Faults - displays queries relating to page
     fault information.

  o  ADA Usage - displays queries relating to ADA tasking
     information.  –  proc query Btn

  The Process Execution query category contains queries
  that relate to the following areas of performance

  o  Elapsed time - where your application spends the
     most time, as measured against total elapsed time.

  o  Process time - where your applications spends the
     most process, or CPU, time.

  o  Routine calls-which routines get executed the most.  –  count query Btn

  The Execution Counts query category contains queries
  that relate to collecting the following:

  o  Lines executed the most

  o  Routines executed the most

  o  Modules executed the most  –  io query Btn

  The I/O Usage query categoey contains queries that
  relate to collecting the following information on your

  o  Where I/O is being done

  o  What I/O system services are being used

  o  Where I/O reads or writes are being used

  o  Number of I/O read or write counts

  o  Where I/O reads and writes are used

  o  Files involved in I/O

  o  Record sizes  –  cov query Btn

  The Coverage query category contains queries that
  relate to collecting the following information that
  results from executing tests:

  o  What percentage of the application was covered by
     the tests

  o  Where the application is and is not covered by the

  o  Where the application is acceptably not covered
     (ANC)  –  call query Btn

  The Dynamic Call Information query category contains
  queries that relate to collecting the following

  o  Your program's call tree structure

  o  What routines call what other routines

  o  Which routines make the most calls  –  sysser query Btn

  The System Service Usage query category contains
  queries that relate to finding:

  o  Where system services are used

  o  What system services are used  –  page query Btn

  The Page Faults query category contains queries that
  relate to showing:

  o  Where page faults are occurring

  o  What addresses are causing page faults  –  ada query Btn

  The Ada Usage query category contains queries that
  relate to finding:

  o  What tasks are performing context switching

  o  What Ada tasking names are used

  o  What Ada tasking types used

  o  What Ada task priorities are used

5.3.2  –  query Form

  The main query window displays the queries associated
  with the query category you have chosen. If there are
  more queries than can be displayed in one view, a
  scroll bar appears in the right margin, allowing you
  to scroll through the entire list of queries.

  Click on the appropriate query for the current
  collection run, and click on Start Collection to begin
  the PCA collection phase.  –  query ScrWind

  The Query Scroll Window displays the queries contained
  in the current query category. If not all the queries
  of the current category can fit in the window, a
  vertical scroll bar is displayed in the right margin,
  which allows you to scroll through the entire list of
  queries.  –  scroll Form

  The query panel displays the queries in the current
  query category.  –  proc query Form

  Click on one of the queries contained in the Process
  Execution query category radio box. You can use the
  vertical scroll bar in the right margin of this radio
  box to scroll to queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  elapsed time Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on where in
  your application the most elapsed time is spent.  –  process time Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on where
  in your application that most process, or CPU, time is
  spent.  –  prtn calls Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on which
  routines are executed the most in your application.  –  prtn callers Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  which routines make the most calls.  –  count query Form

  The query panel displays the queries from the Execution
  Counts query category.  –  lines Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  which lines are executed the most.  –  routines Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  which routines are executed the most.  –  modules Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  which modules in your application are executed the
  most.  –  rtn callers Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  which routines in your application make the most
  calls.  –  io query Form

  This panel contains the queries in the I/O Usage query
  category.  –  io done Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on I/O
  operations being executed in your application.  –  io serv Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on I/O
  system services being used in your application.  –  io read Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  I/O reads being used in your application.  –  io read num Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  the total number of I/O read operations being performed
  in your application.  –  io write Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on the I/O
  write operations being performed in your application.  –  io write num Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  the total number of I/O write operations being
  performed in your application.  –  io phys Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on I/O
  read and write operations being performed in your
  application.  –  io file Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on files
  involved in I/O operations in your application.  –  io file vbn Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on what
  file virtual block numbers are being used in your
  application.  –  io file key Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on file
  keys being used in your application.  –  io rec siz Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on record
  sizes being used in your application.  –  cov query Form

  Click on one of the queries contained in the Coverage
  query category radio box. You can use the vertical
  scroll bar in the right margin of this radio box to
  scroll to queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  app cov Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on the
  percentage of your application being covered by tests.  –  cover Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on what
  parts of your application are covered by tests.  –  non cover Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  the parts of your application that are covered by
  tests.  –  anc cover Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  the parts of your application that have been designated
  acceptably noncovered (ANC).  –  call query Form

  Click on one of the queries contained in the Dynamic
  Relationships query category panel. You can use the
  vertical scroll bar in the right margin of this radio
  box to scroll to queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  call show Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information on the call
  tree structure of your application.  –  call callees Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  the routines in your application that call other
  routines.  –  call callers Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  the routines in your application that make the most
  calls.  –  sysser query Form

  Click on one of the queries contained in the System
  Services query category panel. You can use the vertical
  scroll bar in the right margin of the panel to scroll
  to queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  sysser where Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  where system services are being used in your
  application.  –  sysser what Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information
  identifying what system services are being used in
  your application.  –  page query Form

  Click on one of the queries contained in the Page
  Faults query category panel. You can use the vertical
  scroll bar in the right margin of this radio box to
  scroll to queries appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  page where Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  where page faults occur in your application.  –  page address Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  the addresses in your application that cause page
  faults to occur.  –  ada query Form

  Click on one of the queries contained in the Ada query
  category panel. You can use the vertical scroll bar in
  the right margin of this radio box to scroll to queries
  appearing later in the list.

  You cannot click on more than one query at a time.  –  ada where Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  what tasks in your application perform context
  switching.  –  ada task Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  what Ada tasking names are used in your application.  –  ada type Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  what Ada tasking types are used in your application.  –  ada prior Tgl

  Click on this button to collect information identifying
  what Ada task priorities are used in your application.

5.4  –  sel data PopForm

  Choose the directory and file specification of the data
  file you want to use by double-clicking, respectively,
  on the directory and file name you want.

  You can use the Filter box to limit the number of
  directories and files that are displayedin the
  Directories and Files windows, respectively.

  You can choose a data file by double-clicking on it, or
  by typing in the full specifications of the data file
  in the Selection box.

5.4.1  –  sel data FilSelB

  If you double click on data file in the Files window,
  the data file name appears in the Selection box. You
  can also type in the name of a data file in this box.

5.5  –  create data PopForm

  You can create a data file by entering a name into the
  Selection box at the bottom.

5.5.1  –  create data FilSelB

  You can create a data file by entering a name into the
  Selection box at the bottom.

5.6  –  Warning Warn

  You have generated an error with a severity level of

6  –  set int PopBultn

  You can modify the default sampling interval rate for
  elapsed time and process time.

  To modify the default sampling interval rate for
  elapsed time, click on the box next to Elapsed Time
  sampling rate and choose on the the sampling rates
  displayed in the pull-down menu that appears.

  To modify the default sampling interval rate for
  process time, click on the box next to Process Time
  sampling rate and choose on the the sampling rates
  displayed in the pull-down menu that appears.

6.1  –  set int Form

  Click on the button containing an interval rate
  to display a menu, which contains choices for the
  available sampling rates.

6.1.1  –  set int Lab

  Click on the interval box to the left to display a menu
  containing the available sampling rates.

6.1.2  –  winterval OptMenu

  Choose a sampling rate to be used in elapsed time
  information collection.  –  wint 10 Btn

  Choose 10 msecs to set the elapsed time sampling
  interval to 10 milliseconds.  –  wint 20 Btn

  Choose 20 msecs to set the elapsed time sampling
  interval to 20 milliseconds.  –  wint 50 Btn

  Choose 50 msecs to set the elapsed time sampling
  interval to 50 milliseconds.  –  wint 100 Btn

  Choose 100 msecs to set the elapsed time sampling
  interval to 100 milliseconds.  –  wint 500 Btn

  Choose 500 msecs to set the elapsed time sampling
  interval to 500 milliseconds.  –  wint 1000 Btn

  Choose 1000 msecs to set the elapsed time sampling
  interval to 1000 milliseconds.

6.1.3  –  pinterval OptMenu

  Choose a sampling rate to be used in process time
  information collection.  –  pint 10 Btn

  Choose 10 msecs to set the process time sampling
  interval to 10 milliseconds.  –  pint 20 Btn

  Choose 20 msecs to set the process time sampling
  interval to 20 milliseconds.  –  pint 50 Btn

  Choose 50 msecs to set the process time sampling
  interval to 50 milliseconds.  –  pint 100 Btn

  Choose 100 msecs to set the process time sampling
  interval to 100 milliseconds.  –  pint 500 Btn

  Choose 500 msecs to set the process time sampling
  interval to 500 milliseconds.  –  pint 1000 Btn

  Choose 1000 msecs to set the process time sampling
  interval to 1000 milliseconds.

6.1.4  –  int ok Btn

  Click on Ok to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box and dismiss the dialog box.

6.1.5  –  int apply Btn

  Click on Apply to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box. This action does not dismiss the dialog

6.1.6  –  int cancel Btn

  Click on Cancel to nullify any changes made within the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

7  –  set range PopBultn

  Use the Counting Elements dialog box to specify the
  elements of your application on which you want to
  collect counting information. You can collect counting
  information on:

  o  All the routines in your application

  o  All the lines in your application

  o  Specific routines in your application

7.1  –  set range Form

  Use the Counting Elements dialog box to specify the
  elements of your application on which you want to
  collect counting information. You can collect counting
  information on:

  o  All the routines in your application

  o  All the lines in your application

  o  Specific routines in your application

7.1.1  –  range Lab

  Use the Counting Elements dialog box to specify the
  elements of your application on which you want to
  collect counting information. You can collect counting
  information on:

  o  All the routines in your application

  o  All the lines in your application

  o  Specific routines in your application

7.1.2  –  range Radio

  You can click on:

  o  All Routines - to collect counting information on
     all the routines in your application

  o  All Lines - to collect counting information on all
     the lines in your application

  o  Specific Elements... - to specify individual
     routines in your application on which to collect
     counting information.  –  All Routines Tgl

  Click on All Routines to collect counting information
  on all the routines in your application.  –  All Lines Tgl

  Click on All Lines to collect coverage information on
  all the lines in your application.  –  Some Modules Tgl

  Click on Specific Elements... to collect counting
  information on specific program elements in your
  application. When you click on Specific Elements...,
  the Collector displays the Specific Elements dialog
  box, in which you can select specific routines to
  collect counting information on.

7.1.3  –  range ok Btn

  Click on the Ok button to accept the current settings
  of the dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

7.1.4  –  range cancel Btn

  Click on Cancel to cancel the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

8  –  cov range PopBultn

  Use the Coverage Elements dialog box to specify the
  elements of your application on which you want to
  collect coverage information. You can collect coverage
  information on:

  o  All the routines in your application

  o  All the lines in your application

  o  Specific routines in your application

8.1  –  cov range Form

  Use the Coverage Elements dialog box to specify the
  elements of your application on which you want to
  collect coverage information. You can collect coverage
  information on:

  o  All the routines in your application

  o  All the lines in your application

  o  Specific routines in your application

8.1.1  –  cov Lab

  Use the Coverage Elements dialog box to specify the
  elements of your application on which you want to
  collect coverage information. You can collect coverage
  information on:

  o  All the routines in your application

  o  All the lines in your application

  o  Specific routines in your application

8.1.2  –  cov Radio

  You can click on:

  o  All Routines - to collect coverage information on
     all the routines in your application

  o  All Lines - to collect coverage information on all
     the lines in your application

  o  Specific Elements... - to specify individual
     routines in your application on which to collect
     coverage information.  –  Cov Routines Tgl

  Click on All Routines to collect coverage information
  on all the routines in your application.  –  Cov Lines Tgl

  Click on All Lines to obtain coverage information on
  each line in your application.  –  Cov Modules Tgl

  Click on Specific Elements... to get a dialog box
  in which to select the specific routines or modules
  in your application on which to collect coverage

8.1.3  –  cov ok Btn

  Click on Ok to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

8.1.4  –  cov cancel Btn

  Click on Cancel to nullify the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

9  –  set cn PopBultn

  Use the Collection Name dialog box to attach a
  meaningful name and comment to a particular collection

  Type in the name for the collection in the box next
  to Collection Name:, and a comment in the box next to
  Collection Description:.

9.1  –  set cn Form

  Use the Set Collection Name dialog box to assign a name
  to the current collection run. This can be useful for
  discriminating among multiple collection runs for your
  application during the Analysis phase.

9.1.1  –  coll name Lab

  Type in the name you wish to assign to the current
  collection run.

9.1.2  –  coll name Txt

  Type in the name for the collection in the box next to
  Collection Name.

9.1.3  –  coll desc Lab

  Type in a comment for the collection in the box next to
  Collection Description.

9.1.4  –  coll desc Txt

  Type in the collection description in the box next to
  Collection Description.

9.1.5  –  cn ok Btn

  Click on Ok to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

9.1.6  –  cn apply Btn

  Click on Apply to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box. The dialog box remains on the screen.

9.1.7  –  cn cancel Btn

  Click on Cancel to nullify the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

10  –  modules PopBultn

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

10.1  –  modules Form

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

10.1.1  –  choose from Lab

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

10.1.2  –  count chs from Svn

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

10.1.3  –  sel mods Lab

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

10.1.4  –  sel mods ScrLst

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

10.1.5  –  mod ok Btn

  Click on Ok to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

10.1.6  –  mod apply Btn

  Click on Apply to accept the current settings o the
  dialog box and to keep the dialog box on the screen.

10.1.7  –  mod cancel Btn

  Click on Cancel to nullify the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

11  –  routines PopBultn

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

11.1  –  routines Form

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

11.1.1  –  rtn sort Lab

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

11.1.2  –  rtn sort Radio

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.  –  rtn mod Tgl

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.  –  rtn alph Tgl

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

11.1.3  –  rtn choose Lab

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

11.1.4  –  rtn choose ScrLst

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

11.1.5  –  sel rtns Lab

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

11.1.6  –  sel rtns ScrLst

  Double click on an entry in the modules list box to get
  a listing of the routines contained in that entry. You
  can continue double clicking on entries in the module
  list box to reveal all the routines in your application
  that you can select for collection elements.

  To select a routine for collection, click on that
  routine. You may thus select as many collection
  elements as are listed in the modules list box.

11.1.7  –  rtn ok Btn

  Click on Ok to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

11.1.8  –  rtn apply Btn

  Click on Apply to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box and to keep the dialog box on the screen.

11.1.9  –  rtn remove Btn

  Click on Remove to remove the currently selected

11.1.10  –  rtn cancel Btn

  Click on Cancel to nullify the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box.

12  –  sel shr PopForm

  You can collect performance and coverage information on
  sharable images using the Select Sharable Image dialog
  box. Note that there are two kinds of sharable images:
  user-written, and provided. You can use PCA only with
  user-written sharable images.

  To select a sharable image, click on an entry in the
  dialog box, and click on Ok.

12.1  –  sel shr Form

  You can collect performance and coverage information on
  sharable images using the Select Sharable Image dialog
  box. Note that there are two kinds of sharable images:
  user-written, and provided. You can use PCA only with
  user-written sharable images.

  To select a sharable image, click on an entry in the
  dialog box, and click on Ok.

12.1.1  –  sel shr Lab

  To select a sharable image, click on an entry in the
  dialog box, and click on Ok.

12.1.2  –  sel shr ScrLst

  The list box in the center of the Select Sharable
  Image dialog box contains a list of sharable images
  on your system. Select the user-written image you want
  to collect performance or coverage information by:

  o  Clicking on the user-written image appearing in the
     list box.

  o  Clicking on Ok.

12.1.3  –  sel shr apply Btn

  Click on Apply to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box and to keep the dialog box on the screen.

12.1.4  –  sel shr cancel Btn

  Click on Cancel to nullify the current settings of
  the dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box from the

12.1.5  –  sel shr ok Btn

  Click on Ok to accept the current settings of the
  dialog box and to dismiss the dialog box from the
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