/ALPHABETICALLY[=n[:m]] Sorts the histogram alphabetically by label names. If you specify histogram. If you specify =n:m, only buckets n through m (after sorting) are retained.
/ASCENDING[=n[:m]] Sorts the histogram in ascending order by bucket data count (smallest count first). If you specify =n, only the first n buckets (after sorting) are retained in the histogram. If you specify =n:m, only buckets n through m (after sorting) are retained.
/DESCENDING[=n[:m]] Sorts the histogram in descending order by bucket data count (largest count first). If you specify =n, only the first n buckets (after sorting) are retained in the histogram. If you specify =n:m, only buckets n through m (after sorting) are retained. Note that /DESCENDING is the default sorting qualifier.
/NOSORT[=n[:m]] Specifies that the histogram not be sorted. If you specify =n, only the first n buckets are retained in the histogram. If you specify =n:m, only buckets n through m are retained.