"Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" "Enter the fully qualified host name" Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example: Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.com For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a node full name. The node full name is the name of your system's node object in the directory service. It includes the namespace nickname, and the full list of directories leading to the node object name. Examples of node full names for the directory services DECdns and Local file include: Local file - LOCAL:.TomThumb DECdns - XYZ_CORP:.sales.west_coast.WillyLoman For the Local file, the namespace nickname LOCAL is prepended to the full name and is terminated with a colon (:). The namespace nickname "LOCAL" means that the Local file is used. The node object name must begin with a dot (.), and no element of the name (namespace name, directory, or node object name) can be a null string. Please note that the namespace nickname "LOCAL" is reserved, and indicates that the Local file will be used on this system. The Local file has the capability to hold 100,000 nodes, and it can even scale beyond that number. The actual number of nodes that the Local file can hold depends on the space available on your system. Enter the node full name you want to use. DECnet-Plus node full names should be planned carefully and must be unique within the directory service. If your network administrator has not assigned a unique node full name for your system, be sure that you read DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary before you do so. This manual also contains guidelines for using the directory services DECdns and the Local File.