"Do you want Asynchronous datalink support?" If you have installed and configured the VAX WAN Device Drivers software on this system, you have the option of configuring it to support asynchronous connections. Support for asynchronous connections is provided by the VAX WAN device driver software. This software gives you the option of connecting your OpenVMS system to another system by means of a low-cost, low-speed asynchronous line. Asynchronous connections are implemented in software and can be run over any directly connected terminal line that the OpenVMS system supports. The asynchronous protocol provides for a full-duplex connection and can be used for remote asynchronous communications over a telephone line using a modem. NOTE Asynchronous connections are not supported for maintenance operations or for controller loopback testing. Normally, the OpenVMS operating system controls lines connected to terminal ports, as in interactive login. You can, however, switch the line so that the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS software can use the line for an asynchronous connection to another system. Refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Management manual for information on the OpenVMS DCL SET TERMINAL commands used to switch terminal lines to DECnet lines. You can establish two types of asynchronous DECnet connections: o A static asynchronous connection, which creates a permanent DECnet link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by either a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal port at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. o A dynamic asynchronous connection, which provides a temporary DECnet link. This type of line is usually switched on for network use only for the duration of a dialup connection between two nodes. When the telephone is disconnected, the line reverts to being a terminal line. The advantage of this type of connection is that you can use a single line to establish dynamic connections to different remote nodes at different times. Also, when creating a dynamic asynchronous connection, you are given the option of creating an explicit dynamic connection or a floating dynamic connection. The difference is that an explicit line is tied to a specific terminal device while a floating line is not. When using a dynamic connection, you can have the terminal line switched automatically to a DECnet line, or you can switch the line manually. If you answer YES, the procedure asks the following question: * Do you want to configure static lines? [YES] :