"Do you want to use a default account for the 'application name' application?" The procedure creates the DECnet-Plus default application objects to include in the application database. You have the option of creating default user accounts for the following applications: FAL, CML, MAIL, VPM, MIRROR, and PHONE. This prompt is displayed for the standard OpenVMS applications most commonly used. The applications are: o File Access Listener File Access Listener (FAL) is an image that provides authorized access to the file system of a DECnet node on behalf of processes executing on any DECnet node in the network. FAL communicates with the initiating node by means of the Data Access Protocol (DAP). If you want an account set up or used for FAL, answer YES. o CMIP Management Listener CMIP Management Listener (CML) is the DECnet-Plus management module that implements the Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP). It is a utility that enables the system to respond to remote management commands. If you want an account set up or used for CML, answer YES. o MAIL If you want to use the OpenVMS MAIL utility, answer YES. o VMScluster Performance Monitor If the system is to be a member of a VMScluster, you should answer YES to this question. An account is needed for VPM (VMScluster Performance Monitor) for your system to support the OpenVMS Monitor Utility command MONITOR CLUSTER. Answer NO if the system is to be a non-cluster end system. o MIRROR MIRROR is used for particular forms of loopback testing. If you want to use MIRROR, answer YES. o PHONE The PHONE utility allows users on the same or different OpenVMS systems to communicate interactively. Unlike MAIL, where messages are received and held for your attention, PHONE requires an immediate reply to a call (connection request). The reply makes the connection and the interactive exchange of messages begins. If you intend to use the OpenVMS PHONE utility, answer YES.