Use the CLEAR MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command to remove the parameters of
 the Protocol Module component from the volatile database.

     CLEAR  MODULE X25-PROTOCOL  DTE dte-address  NETWORK network-name
                                 KNOWN DTES       KNOWN NETWORKS
                                                  CALL TIMER
                                                  CLEAR TIMER
                                                  COUNTER TIMER
                                                  INTERRUPT TIMER
                                                  MAXIMUM CLEARS
                                                  MAXIMUM RESETS
                                                  MAXIMUM RESTARTS
                                                  RESET TIMER
                                                  RESTART TIMER

                                 GROUP group-name  ALL
                                 KNOWN GROUPS

                                 NETWORK net-name  ALL
                                 KNOWN NETWORKS

 All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces
 when parameters are used in NCP commands.

1  –  ALL

 Can be used with DTE, GROUP or NETWORK. It removes all parameters for
 the specified component or for all known DTEs, groups or networks.

2  –  KNOWN

 Can be used with DTES, NETWORKS and GROUPS.

 KNOWN DTES selects all known DTEs on the network specified or all
 known networks.

 KNOWN NETWORKS selects all known networks.

 KNOWN GROUPS selects all known groups.

3  –  DTE dte-address

 Removes parameters for the specified DTE. If you use this qualifier
 you must associate it with the NETWORK parameter or KNOWN NETWORKS
 parameter to identify the network or networks to which the DTE

3.1  –  GROUPS

 Remove the parameters for all known groups.

4  –  NETWORK network-name

 Can be used as a qualifier or as a parameter in conjunction with the
 DTE qualifier.

 As a qualifier it removes all DTEs, groups and parameters for the
 specified network. The ALL parameter is mandatory.

5  –  DTE dte-address

 The DTE address is a decimal integer of 1 to 15 digits.

6  –  GROUP group-name

 Specifies the closed user group (CUG) or bilateral closed user group


 Resets the counter timer to zero for the specified DTE or all known
 DTEs in the volatile data base.


 If used with the CLEAR command, resets the call timer in the volatile
 data base to its default value; if used with the PURGE command,
 resets the call timer in the permanent data base to 0. This means
 that the call request will not time out at the local DTE, but may be
 cleared by the network.


 If used with the CLEAR command, resets the clear timer in the
 volatile data base to its default value; if used with the PURGE
 command, resets the clear timer in the permanent data base to prevent
 retransmission of a request to clear a virtual circuit.

10  –  MAXIMUM

10.1  –  CLEARS

 If used with the CLEAR command, resets the maximum number of attempts
 to clear a circuit to the default value in the volatile data base; if
 used with the PURGE command, resets the maximum number so that there
 is no maximum in the permanent data base.

10.2  –  RESETS

 If used with the CLEAR command, resets the maximum number of attempts
 to reset a circuit to the default value in the volatile data base; if
 used with the PURGE command, resets the maximum number so that there
 is no maximum in the permanent data base.

10.3  –  RESTARTS

 If used with the CLEAR command, resets the maximum number of attempts
 to restart a virtual circuit to the default value in the volatile
 data base; if used with the PURGE command, resets the maximum number
 so that there is no maximum in the permanent data base.


 If used with the CLEAR command, resets the timer in the volatile data
 base to its default value; if used with the PURGE command, resets the
 timer in the permanent data base to prevent retransmission of a


 If used with the CLEAR command, resets the timer in the volatile data
 base to its default value; if used with the PURGE command, resets the
 timer in the permanent data base to prevent retransmission of a
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