NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  mop  circuit  Characteristics
 o  known clients only

    Default: False         Value: True or False

    Specifies whether MOP attempts to service load requests from
    remote systems which do not have a corresponding client entity.
    Some network servers are designed to request specific software
    by name, and in such a case there is no need for a client entity
    to exist. By default, MOP tries to process requests for named
    software from unknown clients. Set this attribute to true if you
    wish MOP to ignore such requests.

 o  link name

    Default: No name       Value: Data Link entity name

    Name of a station entity in the Data Link layer module indicated
    by the type characteristic. This name is passed to the Data Link
    layer module when MOP opens a portal for the circuit.

 o  retransmit timer

    Default: 4             Value: 1-30

    Time (in seconds) to wait for a response before retransmitting a
    MOP protocol message.

 o  type

    Specifies the circuit type. This characteristic is set when the
    circuit is created (see the create command). The possible types
    are CSMA-CD, FDDI, HDLC (Tru64 UNIX loop only), DDCMP (OpenVMS VAX
    only), and LAPB (OpenVMS only). You cannot modify this
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