set [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
reachable address simple-name ...
Modifies attributes of a routing circuit reachable address entity
which contains information about a manually entered address prefix
accessible over that circuit. It exists only on L2 routers and
end nodes. The modifiable routing circuit reachable address
attributes and their data types [in brackets] are:
block size [integer]
cost [integer]
data format [PhaseIV or Phasev]
DTE addresses [set of dte addresses]
ISDN address [isdn-address]
LAN address [id]
metric type [metric-type]
mapping [string]
modem addresses [modem-address]
modem address prefix [modem-address-prefix]
modem address suffix [modem-address-suffix]
permitted lan address [lan-address]
type [string]
Additional Information: