NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  routing
    set  [node node-id] routing ...

    Modifies attributes of the routing entity.  Support for the
    various attributes depends upon the routing type of the
    node (End, L1, L2, IP).  The modifiable routing attributes
    and their data types [in brackets] are:

    area authentication type [none or simple]
    area receive passwords [set of hex-string]
    area send password [hex-string]
    autonomous system number [integer]
    dna address format [boolean]
    default eshello timer [integer]
    domain authentication type [none or simple]
    domain receive passwords [set of hex-string]
    domain send password [hex-string]
    generate checksums [boolean]
    lifetime [integer]
    manual area addresses [set of area addresses]
    manual L1 algorithm [string]
    manual L2 algorithm [string]
    manual network entity titles [set of NETs]
    maximum buffers [integer]
    maximum path splits [integer]
    phaseiv address [ph4-address]
    phaseiv prefix [address-prefix]
    phaseiv area maximum cost [integer]
    phaseiv area maximum hops [integer]
    phaseiv broadcast routing timer [integer]
    phaseiv buffer size [integer]
    phaseiv maximum address [integer]
    phaseiv maximum area [integer]
    phaseiv maximum cost [integer]
    phaseiv maximum hops [integer]
    phaseiv maximum visits [integer]
    probe rate [integer]
    protocols [IP or ISO 8473]
    redirect holding time [integer]
    routing mode [integrated or segregated]
    segment buffer size [integer]
    send source quench [boolean]
    source quench interval [boolean]
    summary addresses [set of summary-address]
    time to live [integer]

    Refer to the specific attributes for more information.

    Select circuit to view the modifiable attributes of a routing
    circuit, a routing circuit ip reachable address, or a routing
    circuit reachable address.

    Select egp_group to view the modifiable attributes of a
    routing egp group.

    Select permitted_neighbor for information on modifying the
    verifier attribute of a routing permitted neighbor.
Additional Information: explode extract

area_authentication_type area_receive_passwords area_send_password autonomous_system_number
dna_address_format default_eshello_timer domain_authentication_type domain_receive_passwords domain_send_password
manual_area_addresses manual L1 algorithm manual L2 algorithm manual_network_entity_titles maximum_buffers maximum_path_splits
phaseiv_address phaseiv_area_maximum_cost phaseiv_area_maximum_hops phaseiv_broadcast_routing_timer phaseiv_buffer_size phaseiv_maximum_address phaseiv_maximum_area phaseiv_maximum_cost phaseiv_maximum_hops phaseiv_maximum_visits phaseiv_prefix probe_rate protocols
redirect_holding_time rip_receive_metric_class rip_send_local_metric rip_send_metric_classes rip_send_replacement_metric route_propagation routing_mode routing_protocols_supported
segment_buffer_size send_source_quench source_quench_interval summary_addresses


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