NCLHELP.HLB  —  create  session_control, transport_service
    Creates an instance of a session control transport service
    entity which stores information about modules in the
    Transport layer that support Session Control.

    create  [node node-id] session control -
            transport service transport-name  -
            protocol protocol-id [,tsel hex-string]

    The Protocol argument is required.  It specifies the transport
    protocol to be used by this transport service:

    '04'H      This transport service uses the NSP transport

    '05'H      This transport service uses version 1 of the
               OSI transport protocol.

    The optional TSEL argument is only applicable for the OSI


    create session control transport service nsp protocol %X04

    create session control transport service osi protocol %X05
Additional Information: explode extract

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