NCLHELP.HLB  —  enable
    Use the enable command to place the entity in its enabled (on)
    state. Some entities do not immediately become operational when
    you create them; you must use the enable command after the create
    command. If you disable an entity to modify its characteristics
    or to suspend its operation for a time, you must use the enable
    command to make the entity operational again.

1  –  alias (OpenVMS)

    Causes a node to register itself with other members of the alias.

    enable  [node node-id] alias port port-name


    enable alias port dec:.lkg.bulean

2  –  csma-cd

    Enables a csma-cd station entity which manages a CSMA-CD

    enable  [node node-id] csma-cd station station-name -
            [,mac address address]

    MAC Address is an optional argument.  It specifies the
    individual medium access control address for the station. If
    you do not specify a MAC address, the network uses the address
    specified in the first EnableMacAddress user interface call
    directed to this station.


    enable csma station csmacd-1

    enable csma station csmacd-2 mac address 08-00-2B-11-19-68

3  –  ddcmp (OpenVMS VAX)

3.1  –  link

    Transitions a ddcmp link entity to the on state.  The ddcmp link
    entity defines the attributes of a link to a communications port
    that uses DDCMP.

    enable  [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name


    enable ddcmp link ddcmp-0

3.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  device constraint

    The value of an attribute is not supported by the type of device
    used on the communications line. Modify the attribute to a
    suitable value, and retry the operation.

 o  open physical port failed

    The opening of the port in the Physical layer failed. The
    exception includes an argument that gives more information about
    the failure.

3.1.2  –  logical_station

    Sets the specified logical station associated with a
    particular ddcmp link entity to the "on" operational

    enable  [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name -
            logical station station-name


    enable ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-0

4  –  device

    enable  [node node-id] device unit simple-name

5  –  dns

5.1  –  clerk

    enable [node node-id] dns clerk

    Starts the DECdns clerk on the specified node. You can also
    enter this command through the dns$control utility.  When this
    procedure completes, the State attribute is set to On.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS systems)
    or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

5.2  –  server

    enable [node node-id] dns server

    Starts the DECdns server on the specified node. All clearinghouses
    present at the server are automatically enabled when this command is
    issued.  When this procedure is completed, the State attribute is set
    to on.  You can also enter this command through the dns$control

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS systems)
    or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

5.2.1  –  clearinghouse

    enable [node node-id] dns server clearinghouse clearinghouse-name

    Enables the specified clearinghouse on the specified node. When
    this procedure is complete, the clearinghouse's State attribute
    is set to on.  Since the enable dns server command auto-enables
    clearinghouses known to a server, this command is only necessary
    when a clearinghouse has specifically been disabled (see disable
    dns server clearinghouse command).  You can also enter this command
    through the dns$control utility.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS systems)
    or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

    The following command enables the .ny_ch clearinghouse on the
    local node:

    enable dns server clearinghouse .ny_ch

6  –  dtss

    Starts the DECdts process on the specified node.

    enable [node node-id] dtss [set clock boolean]

    The optional Set Clock argument specifies whether the clock is
    abruptly set or gradually adjusted to the computed time at the
    end of the first synchronization.

    false    The clock is gradually adjusted.  This is the default.

    true     The clock is abruptly set.


    enable dtss set clock true

7  –  event_dispatcher

    enable  [node node-id] event dispatcher

7.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  children in wrong state  (Tru64 UNIX)

    Another Event Dispatcher module entity is still enabled. Retry
    the command after you have disabled all of these entities:
    event dispatcher outbound stream, event dispatcher relay, event
    dispatcher relay logging, event dispatcher sink, and event
    dispatcher sink inbound strea.

 o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

    The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD
    process is probably not started.  For instructions on how to
    restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to

7.2  –  outbound_stream

    Transitions an event dispatcher outbound stream instance into the
    on state.  An event dispatcher outbound stream entity represents an
    outgoing connection to a sink on a local or remote node.

    enable  [node node-id] event dispatcher -
          outbound stream simple-name


    enable event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream

7.3  –  relay

    Transitions the event dispatcher relay entity into the "on" state
    and automatically causes three event dispatcher relay logging
    subentities (console, file, and monitor) to be created and enabled.

    enable  [node node-id] event dispatcher relay

7.3.1  –  logging

    enable  [node node-id] event dispatcher -
          relay logging logging-entity

    Three event dispatcher relay logging entities are created
    and enabled automatically whenever an event dispatcher
    relay entity is enabled.  The logging entities (console,
    file, and monitor) control the destination of Phase IV
    events.  Each logging entity can be disabled and reenabled
    individually.  All three logging entities are deleted
    automatically when the Phase IV relay entity is disabled.


    enable event dispatcher relay logging console

    enable event dispatcher relay logging file

    enable event dispatcher relay logging monitor

7.4  –  sink

    Transitions the specified instance of an event dispatcher sink to
    the "on" state.  The sink manages incoming connections and filters
    incoming events.  Each sink maintains a filter that is applied to
    all streams that are assigned to that sink.

    enable  [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name


    enable event dispatcher sink local_sink

7.4.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  invalid name

    Invalid name for DNA session.

8  –  fddi

8.1  –  station

    Enables an fddi station entity which represents an access point to
    the service offered by the FDDI module.

    enable  [node node-id] fddi -
        station station-name [mode mode-type]

    Mode is an optional argument.  The mode-type can be either Normal
    or Internal Loopback.  The default mode-type is Normal.


    enable fddi station fddi-1

    enable fddi station fddi-1 mode internal loopback

8.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  communication port in use

    Communication port already reserved by another entity.

 o  invalid communication port

    Cannot run FDDI data link on this communications port.

8.1.2  –  link

    Transitions the specified fddi station link entity into the
    "on-ring init" state.

    enable  [node node-id] fddi station station-name -
         link link-index

    OpenVMS Example:

    enable fddi station fddi-0 link 0

    Tru64 UNIX Example:

    enable fddi station fddi-1 link 1  –  Exception Messages (OpenVMS)

 o  invalid item list format

    Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS
    has been installed.

 o  return data corrupt or incorrectly encoded on
    remote system

    Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS
    has been installed on both the local and remote systems.

8.1.3  –  phy_port

    Enables an fddi station phy port entity which provides a
    management view of the fddi station phy port and the fddi
    pmd.  Port-index is an integer.

    enable  [node node-id] fddi station station-name -
           phy port port-index [mode mode-type]

    Mode is an optional argument whose value can be either
    Normal (which is the default) or Internal Loopback.

    OpenVMS Example:

    enable fddi station fddi-0 phy port 0

    Tru64 UNIX Example:

    enable fddi station fddi-1 phy port 1  –  Exception Messages

 o  invalid mode

    Specified mode conflicts with station mode.

 o  invalid item list format (OpenVMS)

    Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS
    has been installed.

 o  return data corrupt or incorrectly encoded on remote
    system (OpenVMS)

    Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS
    has been installed on both the local and remote systems.

9  –  frame (OpenVMS)

    Transitions the frame module into the "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] frame

9.1  –  link

    Transitions the specified instance of a frame link entity to the
    "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] frame link frame-link-id


    enable frame link frame-0

9.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  open physical port failure

    The open operation on the port in the Physical layer failed.


    reason   Specifies why the open operation failed.

             invalid      The open port call was improperly formed.

             line not     The line managed by the Physical layer
             available    entity is already allocated to another
                          data link entity. Modify the physical
                          line characteristic to specify an entity
                          not used by any other data link entity,
                          then reissue the enable command.

             no such line The entity specified in the physical
                          line characteristic does not exist.
                          Either create that entity, or modify the
                          value of physical line to name an entity
                          that does exist. Then reissue the enable

 o  device constraint

    The value of an attribute is not supported by the device type
    servicing the protocol state machine.


       Only the DSF32 device supports SWIFT and CHIPS framing.

10  –  hdlc

10.1  –  link

    Transitions the specified instance of an hdlc link entity to the
    "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] hdlc link link-name


    enable hdlc link hdlc-0

10.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  client data size not supportable

    Client's buffer size is larger than the HDLC software can

 o  incompatible communications mode

    The value of the link type argument specified in the create
    command is incompatible with the actual type of link.


    reason   Feature of the line that is incompatible with the link

             CRC       The line does not support CRC selected
             mode not  by the preferred CRC type characteristic
             supported attribute.

             full-     The line is full-duplex and the link type is
             duplex    primary/secondary.

             half-     The line is half-duplex and the linktype is
             duplex    balanced.

             protocol  The line does not support HDLC framing.

    Correct the value of the link type argument, or use a line
    that supports the appropriate protocol. Then reissue the enable

 o  open physical port failed

    Attempt to open a port to the Physical layer failed.


    reason  Specifies why the Physical layer rejected the open

            invalid      The call to the Physical layer was
            argument     improperly formed.

            insufficient The Physical layer had insufficient system
            resources    resources to be able to open the port.

            line not     The line specified as the value to the
            available    physical line characteristic is already
                         allocated to another entity in the Data
                         link layer. Change the value of the physical
                         line characteristic to an unused line, and
                         reissue the enable command.

            no such      The entity specified in the physical line
            physical     characteristic does not exist. Check the
            line         value of the characteristic and if necessary
                         change it to the correct name, then reissue
                         the enable command. If the name is correct,
                         create the necessary Physical layer entity
                         and then reissue the enable command.

10.1.2  –  logical_station

    Transitions the specified logical station of a particular hdlc
    link entity to the "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] hdlc link link-name -
            logical station logical-station-name


    enable hdlc link hdlc-0 logical station hdlc-0

11  –  lapb

11.1  –  link

    Transitions the specified instance of a lapb link entity to
    the "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] lapb link simple-name


    enable lapb link link-0

11.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  client data size not supportable

    The data size specified on opening the port cannot now be

 o  incompatible communications mode

    The protocol cannot be operated because of an incompatible


    reason      Reason why the line is incompatible with the

                asynchronousThe  physical line does not support
                mode         asynchronous mode.

                crc not      The physical line does not support the
                supported    physical link for CRC operation.

                half-        The physical line needs to be in full-
                duplex       duplex mode.

 o  open physical port failed

    The open port failed at the Physical layer.


    reason   Reason why the open port failed.

             insufficient  A physical port cannot be created
             resources     due to a lack of system resources.

             invalid       An illegal data type or value was
             argument      supplied to the called routines.

             line not      The physical line has already been
             available     assigned to another port.

             no such       A physical line having the specified
             physical      name does not exist.

12  –  llc2

12.1  –  sap

    Transitions the specified instance of an llc2 sap to the "on"

    enable [node node-id] llc2 sap simple-name


    enable llc2 sap sap-0

12.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  Enable LAN Port Failed

    The LAN port could not be enabled.


    Reason  Specifies why the ENABLE command failed.

            Insufficient   There are insufficient system
            Resources      resources to enable the port.

            Invalid        Software error.

            SAP            The SAP address specified by the LOCAL
            Address Not    LSAP ADDRESS characteristic is already
            Available      being used, or is invalid.

 o  Link Data Size Not Supportable

    The data size specified by the MAXIMUM DATA SIZE
    characteristic of one of the SAP's LINK entities cannot be
    supported by the SAP.

 o  Open LAN Port Failed

    A LAN port could not be opened.


    Reason  Specifies why the port could not be opened.

            Insufficient   There are insufficient system
            Resources      resources to open the port.

            Invalid        Software error.

            LAN            The LAN station specified by the LAN
            Station Not    STATION characteristic is not usable.

            No Such LAN    The LAN station specified by the LAN
            Station        STATION characteristic does not exist.

12.1.2  –  link

    Transitions the specified link instance of a particular llc2
    sap entity to the "on" state.

    enable [node node-id] llc2 sap simple-name link simple-name


    enable llc2 sap sap-0 link dte-1  –  Exceptions

 o  Client Data Size Not Supportable

    The data size specified by a client opening an LLC2 port
    cannot be supported.

 o  Link Data Size Not Supportable

    The data size specified by the characteristic MAXIMUM DATA SIZE
    cannot be supported by the SAP owning this link.

 o  Remote Address In Use

    The remote MAC address and remote link service access
    point (LSAP) address are already being used by another link.

13  –  modem_connect

    Transitions the specified modem connect line instance to the
    "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] modem connect line line-name


    enable modem connect line DSY-0-0

13.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  line connected

    The line is already connected and capable of handling data.

 o  call not permitted

    The call cannot be initiated because of the call retry rules
    of the PTT, or because of some other restriction. The exception
    includes an argument with more information about the exception.


    defer recall  The amount of time (in milliseconds) that must pass
    timer         before another call can be initiated on the line.

14  –  mop

    Transitions the Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) module to the
    "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] mop

14.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

    MOP is not registered with EMAA.  The NET$MOP process is probably
    not started.  For instructions on how to restart the MOP process,

14.2  –  circuit

    Adds a set of MOP service functions to the specified MOP
    circuit entity.

    enable  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
             functions {function[,function...]}

    The Functions argument is required for the enable mop circuit
    command.  The MOP Circuit Functions include:

    configuration monitor                load server
    console requester                    loop requester
    dump server                          query requester
    load requester (Tru64 UNIX)          test requester


    enable mop circuit csmacd-1 functions {configuration monitor}

    enable mop circuit fddi-1 -
         functions {dump server, load server}

14.2.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  unsupported

    Specified function is not supported by this system.

 o  non-existent data link

    Specified data link entity does not exist.

 o  open port failed

    Open port operation failed.

15  –  ncl

15.1  –  logging

    enable ncl logging

    This will begin the logging of ncl commands to the NCL log file.
    This log file must be established earlier in the NCL session with
    the "set ncl logfile" command.

    For example, on OpenVMS:

    NCL>set ncl logfile test
    NCL>enable ncl logging
    NCL>show all
    NCL>disable ncl logging
    NCL>show ncl logfile
    Logfile name is: test
    Logfile is Disabled

    The results will be in the file TEST.NCL.  That file will contain
    the logged NCL command(s), and the output will be commented out.
    You may then reissue the command(s) you logged by:

    NCL>do test.ncl

15.2  –  uid display (Tru64 UNIX)

    By default, unique identification (UID) values are not displayed
    in NCL output.  Use this command if you wish to see this
    attribute included in NCL displays:

    enable ncl uid display

    For more information, refer to HELP NCL OUTPUT DISPLAYING_UIDS.

16  –  function

     Enables node entity functions as specified by the function-arg.

     enable  [node node-id] function function-arg

     Possible function-arg values are:

     address   Enables the address watcher function. Enabling
     watcher   this function allows the node to update its
               address identifier when a change of address is

               Disabling this function causes the state attribute
               to be set to off, but the node can still respond to
               management through its CMIP interface. The disable
               function is only supported on OpenVMS.

     CMIP      Enabled automatically by the software. This
     listener  function permits the node to respond to management
               through its CMIP listener interface. The CMIP
               listener function is only supported on Tru64 UNIX.


     enable function address watcher

17  –  nsp

    enable  [node node-id] nsp

17.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  routing unavailable

    You cannot enable the entity until routing has been created.

18  –  osak

    Starts operation of the services provided by the OSAK entity.  If the
    OSAK entity is already operational, the command has no effect.  On
    completion of the command, the state of the entity is operational.
    You should not issue this command when the OSAK entity is in the
    shutting state.

    enable  [node node-id] osak

18.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  wrong state

    The osak entity is in the wrong state for the command you
    have tried to use on it. The text accompanying
    the exception message specifies which command has failed.
    For Tru64 UNIX, the only possible wrong state is NotAvailable.

19  –  osi_transport

    Transitions the OSI transport entity to the "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] osi transport

19.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  cons filters unavailable

    Attempt to enable the OSI Transport module failed because the
    X.25 access filters, specified by the cons filters attribute,
    either do not exist or are already in use.

 o  routing unavailable

    Attempt to enable the OSI Transport module failed because the
    port to Routing (CLNS) could not be opened.

19.2  –  cons filters (Tru64 UNIX)

    CONS Filters is an optional argument for the enable osi transport
    command on Tru64 UNIX.

    enable  [node node-id] osi transport -
            cons filters {filter[,filter...]}


    enable osi transport cons filters {"OSI Transport"}

19.2.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  cons filters unavailable

    Attempt to enable the OSI Transport module failed because the
    X.25 access filters, specified by the cons filters attribute,
    either do not exist or are already in use.

 o  OSI Transport disabled (Tru64 UNIX)

    Cannot enable a set of cons filters unless OSI Transport has
    already been enabled.

 o  routing unavailable

    Attempt to enable the OSI Transport module failed because the
    port to Routing (CLNS) could not be opened.

20  –  routing

    Transitions the state of the routing entity to "on".

    enable  [node node-id] routing

20.1  –  circuit

    Transitions the state of the specified routing circuit to "on".

    enable  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name


    enable routing circuit csmacd-1

20.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  enable mac address failed

    The attempt to enable the MAC address failed on a broadcast
    circuit with a nonzero Phase IV address.

 o  no such data link

    Data link specified for this circuit does not exist.

 o  open port failed

    A port cannot be opened on the specified data link.

 o  open rip port failed

    The UDP port for RIP (port 520) could not be created.

 o  routing not enabled

    The Routing module is not in the on state.

 o  subnet address not unique

    One of the subnet addresses for this circuit is the same as the
    subnet address for another circuit.

20.1.2  –  ip_reachable_address

    enable  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
            ip reachable address simple-name  –  Exception Messages

 o  invalid next hop

    The Next Hop IP Address has not been changed from
    the default value.

 o  invalid snpa address

    The DTE Address has not been changed from the default
    value and the parent circuit entity (that is the Routing
    Circuit entity to which this entity is subordinate) has
    type x25 da.

20.1.3  –  reachable_address

    enable  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
            reachable address simple-name


    enable routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-bulean  –  Exception Messages

 o  invalid address

    The DTE address or LAN address has not been changed from the
    default value.

20.2  –  egp_group

    enable  [node node-id] routing egp group group-name

20.2.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  invalid autonomous system number

    The autonomous system number characteristic has not been changed
    from its default value.

 o  open port failed

    The routing EGP port could not be opened.

20.2.2  –  egp_neighbor

    enable  [node node-id] routing egp group group-name -
            egp neighbor neighbor-name

21  –  session_control

    Transitions the session control entity to the "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] session control

22  –  token ring (Tru64 UNIX)

    Enables a token ring station entity which manages a Token Ring

    enable [node node-id] token ring station station-name
           [mode normal-or-loopback]
           [transparent source routing enabled]

    The Mode argument is optional.  It specifies the mode this
    station will be enabled to.  It can be either normal (the default)
    or loopback.

    The Transparent Source Routing argument is also optional.  It
    indicates whether the transparent source routing functionality will
    be enabled.  The default is enabled.  This value cannot be disabled.

23  –  x25_access

    Transitions the x25 access entity to the "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] x25 access

23.1  –  application

    Transitions the specified x25 access application to the "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] x25 access -
          application application-name


    enable x25 access application X29_LOGIN

23.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  filter in error

    One or more of the filters named in the filters
    characteristic does not exist, or is in use.

 o  insufficient information

    One or more characteristics have not been specified.

 o  non null file value

    If type is x29 login, the file characteristic must have a null

 o  non null user value

    If type is x29 login, the user characteristic must have a null

24  –  x25 client (OpenVMS)

    Transitions the x25 client entity, which describes the X.25
    client interface in an accessing system, to the "on" state.

    enable  [node node-id] x25 client

24.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  session control no resources

    The Session Control module does not have sufficient resources to
    handle the call.

 o  session control unavailable

    The Session Control module either does not exist or is disabled.

25  –  x25_protocol

    The x25 protocol dte enable command starts the operation of the
    specified DTE. When the procedure completes, the status attribute
    state may be running, synchronizing, or unsynchronized.

    enable  [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name

    The enable command will fail if the inbound dte class, link
    service provider, or x25 address characteristics are not set.
    The command will also fail if:

    o  There is a mismatch between the protocol profile and the link
       service provider profile.

    o  The link service provider either does not exist or is in use
       by someone else.

    o  The link service provider does not provide a maximum data size
       of the greater of 260, DTE maximum packet size +4.


    enable x25 protocol dte dte-0

25.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  incompatible data sizes

    The level 2 link service provider has not been configured for a
    sufficiently large data size. The level 2 link service data size
    must be at least 260 and at least the DTE maximum packet size +4.

 o  incompatible profiles

    There is a mismatch between the x25 protocol dte profile and the
    link service provider profile.

 o  insufficient information

    inbound dte class, link service provider or x25 address
    characteristics necessary for the successful completion of the
    operation has not been set.

 o  link service provider error

    Level 2 link service provider has flagged an error.

 o  link service provider in use

    Another network layer entity is already using the specified link
    service provider.

 o  no such link service provider

    The link service provider specified in the DTE does not exist.

26  –  x25 relay (Alpha)

26.1  –  client

    Transitions the specified x25 relay client entity to the "on" state.

    enable  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name

26.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  filter in error

    The filters specified in the filters characteristic cannot be
    used for one of the following reasons:

    filters in      The named filters are already in use.

    no such         The named filters do not exist.

 o  insufficient information

    One or more characteristics have not been specified.


    reason      Indicates which characteristics have not been

                DTE class    The DTE class characteristic has not
                             been specified.

                filters      The filters characteristic has not
                             been specified.

26.2  –  pvc

    Transitions the specified x25 relay pvc entity to the "on" state.

    enable  [node  node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name

26.2.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  insufficient information

    One or more characteristics have not been specified.


    reason      Indicates which characteristics have not been

                local pvc    The local pvc characteristic has not
                             been specified.

                relayed      The relayed pvc characteristic has not
                pvc          been specified.

                remote DTE   The remote DTE class characteristic has
                class        not been specified.

27  –  x25_server

    Transitions the x25 server entity to the "on" state.  The X.25
    Server serves X.25 clients on an accessing system by providing
    X.25 access to systems that do not have a direct connection to
    a PSDN.

    enable  [node node-id] x25 server

27.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  session control no resources

    The Session Control module does not have sufficient resources to
    handle the call.

 o  session control unavailable

    The Session Control module either does not exist or is disabled.

27.2  –  client

    Transitions the specified x25 server client entity to the "on"

    enable  [node node-id] x25 server client simple-name

27.2.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  filter in use

    One or more of the specified filters is already being used by
    another client.

 o  insufficient information

    Before enabling the client you must ensure that the following
    characteristics have been given values of: application, filters,

 o  filter in error

    One or more of the specified filters does not exist, or is in

28  –  xot (OpenVMS Alpha)

28.1  –  sap

    enable  [node node-id] xot sap sap-name

    Enables a Service Access Point (SAP) entity of the X.25 Over
    TCP/IP (XOT) module.  The sap-name is a simple name which
    unqiuely identifies a particular SAP instance.

    Before enabling a SAP entity, you should check the local ip
    addresses of any existing SAP entities.  The local ip address
    of specifies that the SAP may listen on any available
    IP interface.  This local ip address of should only
    be specified if a single SAP is in use.


    show xot sap * -            ! To see what ip interfaces the
      local ip address, state   !   existing SAPs listen to.
    enable xot sap sap-1

28.1.1  –  link

    enable  [node node-id] xot sap sap-name link link-name

    Enables a XOT SAP LINK entity which represents a remote system
    with which XOT is allowed to communicate.  The sap-name and
    link-name are simple names which uniquely identify particular
    SAP and LINK instances.

    In the case of an inbound XOT connection, there must be a LINK
    entity with a matching remote IP address and remote port
    number in order for XOT to accept the TCP/IP connection.

    In the case of an outbound connection, the LINK entity
    specifies the remote IP address and remote port number of the
    system with which to attempt the TCP/IP connection.


    enable xot sap sap-0 link link-0  –  Exception messages

 o  remote address in use

    Remote port number and remote IP address being used.
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