NCLHELP.HLB  —  delete  dns  server
    delete [node node-id] dns server

    Deletes the DECdns server on the specified node and reclaims all
    server resources except clearinghouses, which remain. You must
    disable a server before you can delete it. You can also enter
    this command through the dns$control utility.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

    The following command deletes the DECdns server from node

    delete node .mfg.polaris dns server

1  –  clearinghouse

    delete [node node-id] dns server clearinghouse clearinghouse-name

    Deletes a clearinghouse on the specified node. You must disable a
    clearinghouse before you can delete it. You can also enter this
    command through the dns$control utility.  This command also
    automatically deletes all read-only replicas from the
    clearinghouse when executed.  DECdns does not permit you to
    delete a clearinghouse that contains a master replica.

    You must have delete access to the directories in the clearinghouse
    as well as to the clearinghouse.

    You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (OpenVMS
    systems) or superuser privileges (Tru64 Unix systems).

    The following command deletes a clearinghouse named .sales.ny_ch
    from the node .sales.orion.

    delete node .sales.orion dns server clearinghouse .sales.ny_ch
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