NCLHELP.HLB  —  create  ddcmp (OpenVMS VAX), link
    Creates an instance of a ddcmp link entity which defines
    the attributes of a link to a communications port that uses

    create  [node node-id] ddcmp -
        link link-name [protocol protocol-type]

    The optional Protocol argument specifies the protocol mode used
    by the local station.

    point      The local station is one end of a point-to-point link.
               This is the default and only supported value.

    tributary  The local station acts as a tributary of a multipoint


    create ddcmp link ddcmp-0

    Select logical_station for information on creating ddcmp link
    logical station subentities.

1  –  Exception Messages

 o  already exists

    A ddcmp link entity by that instance name already exists.

2  –  logical_station

    Creates an instance of a ddcmp link logical station entity,
    which manages a link to a remote station.

    create  [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name -
         logical station station-name

    Station-name is the simplename chosen to identify this ddcmp
    link logical station instance.


    create ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-0

2.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  already exists

    A ddcmp link logical station entity already exists.

 o  maximum stations exceeded

    The station cannot be created because there are already the
    maximum stations defined for this link. This can occur when
    there is already one logical station defined for that link.
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