Displays your messages.
The READ command can be entered with or without parameters.
Pressing the Return key is the same as entering the READ command
without parameters. If you press Return immediately after Mail
is invoked, Mail displays the first unread message in your
NEWMAIL folder. If all messages have been read or you have no
new messages, Mail displays the first message in the MAIL folder.
Each time you enter the READ command without parameters or press
Return, Mail displays the next message.
If a new message arrives while you are in Mail, enter the READ
/NEW command to read the message and then return to the previous
Mail activity.
You create a new set of selected messages every time you use any
of the following qualifiers:
If no folder selection has been made when you enter one of these
qualifiers, Mail will select messages from the MAIL folder.
READ [foldername] [message-number]
Additional Information: