All mail files are subdivided into folders. By default, your mail file (MAIL.MAI) contains a folder named MAIL. The MAIL folder contains messages that you have already read. New mail messages automatically enter a folder named NEWMAIL, unless the recipient's folder name is specified by the send item code using external mail program to send the mail. After you read the messages in the NEWMAIL folder, Mail moves them into the folder named MAIL. The NEWMAIL folder disappears after you have read all new mail messages and either select another folder or exit from Mail. A folder name can be 1 to 39 characters in length. Valid characters for folder names are alphanumeric characters, dollar signs ($), and underscores (_). If your folder name contains lowercase letters, spaces, or special characters, the folder name must be enclosed in quotation marks (" "). When you delete a message, Mail moves it into the WASTEBASKET folder. Deleted messages collect in the WASTEBASKET folder until you empty it. To empty the WASTEBASKET folder, enter either the EXIT command (if AUTO_PURGE is set) or the PURGE command. If there are no deleted messages, you will not see a WASTEBASKET folder. You can create as many folders as you want. You can use the COPY, FILE, or MOVE command to create folders. Mail displays the name of the folder that you are currently in at the top right corner of the screen when you enter the READ or DIRECTORY command. You can enter the DIRECTORY/FOLDER command to see a display of the existing folders in the current mail file. You can remove a folder by deleting all the messages it contains. Enter HELP DELETE at the MAIL> prompt for more information on deleting messages.