1 /ALL
The /ALL qualifier lists forwarding information or displays a message if the specified user does not have forwarding enabled. You must have SYSNAM privilege to use the /ALL qualifier. The /ALL qualifier is valid only when used with the /USER qualifier.
/USER=user-name Indicates the name of another user for whom you are setting or showing a forwarding address. You can use the /USER qualifier only if you have SYSNAM privilege. With the SHOW FORWARD command, there are two ways to show a user's forwarding address: you can specify the user name or you can use the wildcard characters (* or %) to search for names with a particular string in common. By default length of the user name is 31 characters long. Set Bit 5 of DCL_CTLFLAGS to avail this longer user name length of 255 characters long. NOTE Once this bit is set, user name length is set to maximum of 255 characters long. Even if this bit is cleared, the behavior remains unchanged, that is, supports user name length of 255 characters long, but there is no way to reset it to 31 characters long.