/CASE_MATCHING /NOCASE_MATCHING (D) Specifies whether LSE uses the case of words in the search string to determine the case for the replacement string. The four conditions are: uppercase, lowercase, capitalized, or undetermined. For example, if a word in the search string is all uppercase, all the letters of the corresponding word in the replacement string become uppercase. If a word in the search string does not match the criteria for uppercase, lowercase, or capitalization, or there are no alphabetic characters in the search string word, its case is undetermined and LSE does not modify the case of the corresponding word in the replacement string. If the replacement string contains more than one word, LSE respectively matches the case of words in the replacement string with the case of the corresponding words in the search string. If the search string contains fewer words than the replacement string, LSE matches the case of the additional words of the replacement string with the case of the last word in the search string. Specifying the /NOCASE_MATCHING qualifier causes LSE not to modify the case of the replacement string to match that of the search string.