The MRU system includes a graphic user interface. The graphic
  user interface runs under OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX, Version 6.1
  through Version 7.1 and Motif Version 1.2.3.  This interface provides
  a simple way to operate a library or loader.  By default, the graphic
  user interface scans the system to provide access to all connected
  robots.  To start the graphic user interface, enter:

      $ XROBOT

  To use the graphic user interface to access particular robots,
  specify the robot devices in a list following the XROBOT command.
  The following command example shows this feature:

      $ XROBOT $1$DUA812: GKA2: $1$MIA4:

  The system view window shows all libraries and loaders connected to
  the system.  Select the library or loader you want from the system
  view window by placing the pointer on the robot icon and double
  clicking MB1.

  The robot dialog represents the selected library or loader.  Use it
  to conduct operations with the robot, and set robot-specific

  Move cartridges by either drag and drop operation with MB1, or use
  point and click operations on cartridge source and destination
  locations.  Cartridges can be moved from any location to any other
  location as allowed by the media robot hardware (except for the
  explicit dismount/offline operation required by drives in the TL8nn
  automated tape libraries).

  The online help provides detailed information on using the graphic
  user interface and, operating your media robot.
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