Detached PMDF processes should be restarted whenever the PMDF configuration is altered-these processes load information from the configuration once only and need to be restarted in order for configuration changes to become visible to them. The RESTART utility is used to restart detached PMDF processes. The default is to restart processes on the node on which the command is executed. Use the /NODE qualifier with a specific node name to affect processes on a different node in the cluster; use the /CLUSTER qualifier to restart PMDF processes across the cluster; use the /ID qualifier to affect only a single process in the cluster. If no component parameter is specified, then all detached processes (including processes which use the PMDF API PMDF_SET_CALL_BACK procedure) will be restarted. If a component parameter is specified, then only detached processes associated with that component will be restarted. The standard component names are Component Description BN_SLAVE Detached processes which act as the Jnet Local Mail Delivery (LMD) daemon. Handles incoming local BITNET mail. CIRCUIT_ Detached process which monitors loopback message CHECK delivery. COUNTERS Detached processes which synchronize the channel counters. DISPATCHER PMDF multithreaded Service Dispatcher handling services such as SMTP, POP, IMAP, and HTTP servers. FAX_ Detached processes which process incoming FAXes. RECEIVE HTTP HTTP server processes. IMAP This restarts both IMAP server processes serving out system mailboxes, and IMAP server processes serving out PMDF MessageStore mailboxes. IMAP_ IMAP server processes serving out PMDF MessageStores SERVER mailboxes. POP_ PMDF MessageStore POP3 server processes; that is, SERVER the processes serving out PMDF MessageStore and PMDF popstore mailboxes. POP3 This restarts both POP3 server processes serving out system mailboxes, and POP3 server processes serving out PMDF MessageStore and PMDF popstore mailboxes. POPPASSD POPPASSD server processes. SMTP SMTP server processes. Detached PMDF processes will restart as soon as is convenient. They restart by performing an orderly shutdown, exiting the image they are running, starting a new detached process running, and then exiting. If there are no currently running process associated with a given component, then that component will not be restarted.