Controls whether the compiler generates information for  use  by
  the  VMS  Debugger  and  the run-time error traceback mechanism.
  The available options are:

       Specifies that the compiler should include symbol and traceback
       information in the object module.

       Symbol and traceback information will not be included in the
       object module.

       Specifies that the compiler should include in the object module
       symbol definitions for all identifiers in the compilation.

       Specifies that the compiler should include in the object module
       traceback information permitting virtual addresses to be
       translated into source program routine names and compiler-
       generated line numbers.

  When  you  specify  SYMBOLS  without  TRACEBACK,  the  table  of
  compiler-generated  line  numbers  is  omitted from the debugger
  symbol file.

  You should consider using /NOOPTIMIZE when you are using /DEBUG.
  Allowing  optimizations  to occur might make debugging difficult
  and might obsucre some sections of the compilation unit that you
  want to debug.

  /DEBUG=TRACEBACK is enabled by default.   The  /DEBUG  qualifier
  without  options  is  equivalent  to  /DEBUG=ALL.   The /NODEBUG
  qualifier is equivalent to /DEBUG=NONE.
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