This routine performs a SCSI Read Element Status command, or equivalent if some other I/O architecture is supported. It is used by mrd_show(3mrd) and the routines doing volume tag checks. However, since it provides uninterpreted Read Element Status data, mrd_show(3mrd) will nearly always be easier to use. It requires that the medium changer be opened by mrd_ startup(3mrd) and uses absolute element addresses. On SCSI medium changers, it maps directly to the SCSI Read Element Status command. Since it uses a robot_info_t structure for an open robot, it is suitable in applications where it is desirable to hold the robot open and not incur the robot startup time on each command. The type argument specifies the type of element about which information is to be obtained. It should be one of SLOT, TRANSPORT, PORT or DRIVE as defined in mrd_common.h. The start argument is the absolute address of the first element and count the number of elements for which data is to be obtained. The data argument is an array of unsigned characters where the resulting data will be copied. The length is the amount of space available. If more data is required than there is space available, the device will only data for as many element as will fit into length bytes. Medium Changers which are SCSI-2 compliant support Read Element Status commands which request only eight bytes of data. In this case the returned data will indicate how many bytes of data are needed for the entire request. This feature allows an application to find how much space is needed for a specific request, allocate that much and then request all of it. This routine uses the dev_status_t structure for handing errors. The dev_status_t structure includes the code, os_status, and SCSI error fields. The following describes how to decode errors with the dev_status_t structure. SCSI Errors SCSI errors are indicated when the value of the valid field of the SCSI error is not equal to 0. The key, asc, and ascq fields provide additional information to help determine the cause of the error. The code usually maps the Additional Sense Code and Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASC/ASCQ) values to an MRD error. The asc and ascq values are copied from the request sense data returned by the target. The Additional Sense Code (asc) indicates further information related to the error or exception condition reported in the sense key field. The Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ascq) indicates detailed information related to the additional sense code. For more information, consult the SCSI-2 Specification. Operating System Errors Operating system errors are indicated when the value of the valid field of the SCSI error is equal to 0 and the value of the os_ status field is not equal to 0. This result is most likely caused by an operating system error, and probably has a mapped error in MRD. MRD Errors MRD errors are indicated when the value of the os_status field is 0, and the value of the valid field of the SCSI error is 0. This result is most likely caused when MRD encounters its own failure.