
    Specifies LICENSE REGISTER options. If your PAK supplies any
    license options, you must enter this information exactly as it

    The following table describes the available keywords.

    Keyword          Meaning

    ALPHA            Identifies Availability Licenses for Alpha
    HARD_COMPLIANCE  Identifies a license that will enforce
                     compliance to license terms.
    IA64             Identifies Licenses for Integrity server
    IA64_ALPHA       Identifies Activity Licenses that are valid
                     for OpenVMS Integrity servers and OpenVMS Alpha
    IA64_ALPHA_VAX   Identifies Activity Licenses that are valid for
                     OpenVMS Integrity servers, OpenVMS Alpha, and
                     OpenVMS VAX systems.
    MOD_UNITS        You can modify the number of license units.
    NO_SHARE         You cannot use the license on more than one
                     processor in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.

                     To use this license in a cluster, designate
                     it for one node. Issue LICENSE MODIFY with the
                     /INCLUDE qualifier.
    PCL              Designates a Per Core License on an OpenVMS
                     Integrity server system.
    RESERVE_UNITS    The license must be assigned to one or more
                     users. Reserve the license using LICENSE MODIFY
                     with the /RESERVE qualifier.
    USER             Designates a User License.
    VAX_ALPHA        Identifies Availability Licenses that are valid
                     for both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems.

    If you enter more than one keyword, separate them with commas,
    and enclose the list in parentheses. You can abbreviate each
    option to the minimum number of characters needed to uniquely
    identify it.
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