For sequential files, writes an end-of-file record to the file and positions the file after this record (the terminal point). For direct access files, truncates the file after the current record. Statement format: ENDFILE ([UNIT=]io-unit[,ERR=label][,IOSTAT=i-var]) ENDFILE io-unit io-unit Is the logical unit specifier, optionally prefaced by UNIT=. UNIT= is required if unit is not the first I/O specifier. label Is the label of an executable statement that receives control if an error occurs, prefaced by ERR=. i-var Is an I/O status specifier, prefaced by IOSTAT=. (Returns a zero if no error condition exists or a positive integer if an error condition exists.) If the unit specified in the ENDFILE statement is not open, the default file is opened for unformatted output. An end-of-file record can be written only to sequential organization files that are accessed as formatted sequential files or unformatted segmented sequential files. An ENDFILE statement performed on a direct access file always truncates the file. An ENDFILE statement must not be specified for a file that is open for keyed access. End-of-file records should not be written in files that are read by programs written in a language other than Fortran.