Specify how data is to be passed when you use routines written in C or assembler with FORTRAN or Fortran 95/90 routines. C and STDCALL are interpreted as synonyms. When applied to a subprogram, these properties define the subprogram as having a specific set of calling conventions. The difference between the calling conventions is this: If C or STDCALL is specified for a subprogram, arguments (except for arrays and characters) are passed by value. Subprograms using standard Fortran 95/90 conventions pass arguments by reference. Character arguments are passed as follows: o By default, hidden lengths are put at the end of the argument list. o If C or STDCALL (only) is specified: On all systems, the first character of the string is passed (and padded with zeros out to INTEGER(4) length). o If C or STDCALL is specified, and REFERENCE is specified for the argument: On all systems, the string is passed with no length. o If C or STDCALL is specified, and REFERENCE is specified for the routine (but REFERENCE is not specified for the argument, if any): On all systems, the string is passed with the length.