Terminates the current execution cycle of the innermost (or named)
  DO construct.  Statement format:

     CYCLE [name]

     name   Is the name of the DO construct.

  When a CYCLE statement is executed, the following occurs:

  1.  The current execution cycle of the named (or innermost) DO
      construct is terminated.

      If a DO construct name is specified, the CYCLE statement must
      be within the range of that construct.

  2.  The iteration count (if any) is decremented by 1.

  3.  The DO variable (if any) is incremented by the value of the
      increment parameter (if any).

  4.  A new iteration cycle of the DO construct begins.

  Any executable statements following the CYCLE statement (including
  a labeled terminal statement) are not executed.

  A CYCLE statement can be labeled, but it cannot be used to
  terminate a DO construct.

  The following example shows the CYCLE statement:

  DO I =1, 10
    A(I) = C + D(I)
    IF (D(I) < 0) CYCLE    ! If true, the next statement is omitted
    A(I) = 0               ! from the loop and the loop is tested again.
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