Transfers input data to internal storage from external records
  accessed under the sequential mode of access.  It takes one of the
  following forms:

      Formatted           ACCEPT f[,iolist]
      List-directed       ACCEPT *[,iolist]
      Namelist            ACCEPT n

      f       Is a format specifier not prefaced by FMT=.

      iolist  Is a simple I/O list element or an implied-DO list.

      *       Specifies list-directed formatting (can be specified
              as FMT=*).

      n       The nonkeyword form of a namelist specifier.

  The control-list parameters are "f," "*" (or FMT=*), and "n".  The
  I/O list parameter is "iolist".

  The formatted ACCEPT statement transfers data from your terminal to
  internal storage.  The access mode is sequential.

  The list-directed ACCEPT statement translates the data from
  character to binary format according to the data types of the
  variables in the I/O list.

  The namelist ACCEPT statement translates the data from character to
  binary format according to the data types of the list entities in
  the corresponding NAMELIST statement.

  Also see the READ Statement.
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