Status Code %X07608282 Used when an unrecognized command is given on the command line. For example, there is no 'FRED' command. $ ROBOT FRED ROBOT $1$DUA704
Status Code %X0760828A Used when an unrecognized parameter is given on the command line. For example, 'VAULT' has no relevance in this command: $ ROBOT SHOW ROBOT $1$DUA704 VAULT
Status Code %X07608292 Used for various errors where the argument to a parameter is wrong; a range where none is allowed, invalid element addresses, and similar errors. For example, 'RINGO' is a bad parameter for a slot spec- ification and the load command does not work with a range of slots or drives: $ ROBOT SHOW SLOT 7-RINGO $ ROBOT LOAD SLOT 3-4 DRIVE 1-2
Status Code %X0760829A Used when the command does not include a robot name, and the default robot name is not known.
Status Code %X076082A2 Used when a command expects some parameter, and none was given. For example, this show command doesn't specify anything to show: $ ROBOT SHOW
Status Code: %X076082AA Used when a command parameter expects some argument. For example, this show slot command does not specify which slot, or slots, to show: $ ROBOT SHOW SLOT
Status Code: %X076082B2 Used when a parameter accepts a default, but there are multiple elements that apply. The robot LOAD command allows a default drive, if there is only one drive in the robot. However, if there are two or more drives in the robot, you get this error. For example with a TL810, a robot with four drives, the following command fails with this error status: $ ROBOT LOAD SLOT 15 This error code is also used when multiple parameters are given and fewer are allowed: $ ROBOT POSITION SLOT 5 DRIVE 7