Transfers data from internal storage to user-specified external logical units (such as disks, printers, terminals, and pipes) or internal files. The meanings of the symbolic abbreviations used to represent the parameters in the WRITE statement syntax are as follows: extu Is the logical unit or internal file optionally or prefaced by UNIT=. UNIT= is required if unit is intu not the first element in the clist. fmt Specifies whether formatting is to be used for data editing, and if it is, the format specification or an asterisk (*) to indicate list-directed formatting. The "fmt" is optionally prefaced by FMT=, if "fmt" is the second parameter in the clist and the first parameter is a logical or internal unit specifier without the optional keyword UNIT=. nml Is the namelist group specification for namelist I/O. Optionally prefaced by NML=. NML= is required if namelist is not the second I/O specifier. rec Is the cell number of a record to be accessed directly. Optionally prefaced by REC= or by an apostrophe ('). iostat Is the name of a variable to contain the completion status of the I/O operation. Prefaced by IOSTAT=. err Is the label of a statement to which control is transferred in the event of an error. Prefaced by ERR=. end Is the label of a statement to which control is transferred in the event of an end of file. Prefaced by END=. adv Specifies advancing (ADVANCE='YES') or nonadvancing input (ADVANCE='NO'). The default is 'YES'. iolist Are the names of the variables, arrays, array elements, or character substrings from which or to which data will be transferred. Optionally an implied-DO list. The control-list parameters are "extu" (or "intu"), "fmt", "nml", "rec", "iostat", "err", "end", and "adv". The I/O list parameter is "iolist".
1 – Sequential
1.1 – Formatted
Formatted sequential WRITE statement format: WRITE (extu,fmt [,adv][,err][,iostat]) [iolist] Writes to a specified external unit. Translates the data from binary to character format as specified by "fmt".
1.2 – List-directed
List-directed sequential WRITE statement format: WRITE (extu,*[,iostat][,err]) [iolist] Writes to a specified external unit. Translates the data from binary to character format according to the data types of the variables in the I/O list.
1.3 – Namelist
Namelist sequential WRITE statement format: WRITE (extu,nml[,iostat][,err]) Writes to a specified external unit. Translates the data from binary to character format according to the data types of the list entities in the corresponding NAMELIST statement.
1.4 – Unformatted
Unformatted sequential WRITE statement format: WRITE (extu[,iostat][,err]) [iolist] Writes to a specified external unit. Does not translate the data.
2 – Direct
2.1 – Formatted
Formatted direct WRITE statement format: WRITE (extu,rec,fmt[,iostat][,err]) [iolist] Writes to a specified external unit. Translates the data from binary to character format as specified by "fmt".
2.2 – Unformatted
Unformatted direct WRITE statement format: WRITE (extu,rec[,iostat][,err]) [iolist] Writes to a specified external unit. Does not translate the data.
3 – Internal
Internal WRITE statement format: WRITE (intu[,fmt][,err][,iostat]) [iolist] Writes to a specified character variable. Translates the data from binary to character format as specified by "fmt".
4 – Indexed
4.1 – Formatted
Formatted indexed WRITE statement format: WRITE (extu,fmt,[,err][,iostat]) [iolist] Writes to a specified external unit. Translates the data from binary to character format as specified by "fmt".
4.2 – Unformatted
Unformatted indexed WRITE statement format: WRITE (extu,[,err][,iostat]) [iolist] Writes to a specified external unit. Does not translate the data.