1 – Formatted
Translates the data from character to binary format as specified by format specifications. Statement formats: 1. READ (extu, fmt [,adv][,size][,iostat][,err][,end][,eor]) [iolist] Reads from a specified external unit. 2. READ fmt [,iolist] Reads from FOR$READ (normally, the terminal).
2 – List-directed
List-directed sequential READ statement formats: 1. READ(extu,*[,iostat][,err][,end])[iolist] Reads from a specified external unit. Translates the data from character to binary format according to the data types of the variables in the I/O list. 2. READ * [,iolist] Reads from FOR$READ (normally, the terminal). Translates the data from character to binary format according to the data types of the variables in the I/O list.
3 – Namelist
Namelist sequential READ statement formats: 1. READ (extu,nml [,iostat][,err][,end]) Reads from a specified external unit. Translates the data from character to binary format according to the data types of the list entities in the corresponding NAMELIST statement. 2. READ nml Reads from FOR$READ (normally, the terminal). Translates the data from character to binary format according to the data types of the entities in the corresponding NAMELIST statement.
4 – Unformatted
Unformatted sequential READ statement format: READ (extu,[,iostat][,err][,end]) [iolist] Reads from a specified external unit. Does not translate the data.