Invokes SDA to release those blocks in the specified system paging file occupied by a crash dump. Requires CMKRNL (change-mode-to-kernel) privilege. Format: /CRASH_DUMP/RELEASE filespec Use the /RELEASE qualifier to release from the system paging file those blocks occupied by a crash dump. Be aware that when you use the /RELEASE qualifier, SDA immediately deletes the dump from the paging file and allows you no opportunity to analyze its contents. When you specify the /RELEASE qualifier in the ANALYZE command, include the name of the system paging file (SYS$SYSTEM:PAGEFILE.SYS) as the filespec. If you do not specify the system paging file or the specified paging file does not contain a dump, SDA displays one of the following messages: %SDA-E-BLKSNRLSD, no dump blocks in page file to release, or no page file %SDA-E-NOTPAGFIL, specified file is not the page file
1 – Examples
$ ANALYZE/CRASH_DUMP/RELEASE SYS$SYSTEM:PAGEFILE.SYS $ ANALYZE/CRASH_DUMP/RELEASE PAGEFILE.SYS These commands invoke SDA to release to the page file those blocks in SYS$SYSTEM:PAGEFILE.SYS occupied by a crash dump.