Specifies where to direct output from ANALYZE/AUDIT. If you omit the qualifier, the report is sent to SYS$OUTPUT. Format /OUTPUT[=file-spec] /NOOUTPUT file-spec[,...] Specifies the name of the file that is to contain the selected records. If you omit the device and directory specification, the utility uses the current device and directory specification. If you omit the file name and type, the default file name AUDIT.LIS is used. If the output is binary (/BINARY) and you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, the binary information is written to the file AUDIT.AUDIT$JOURNAL.
1 – Example
$ ANALYZE/AUDIT /BINARY/OUTPUT=BIN122588.DAT - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example selects audit records from the system audit log file and writes them to the binary file BIN122588.DAT.