Controls whether interactive command mode is enabled when ANALYZE/AUDIT is invoked. Format /INTERACTIVE (default) /NOINTERACTIVE
1 – Examples
1.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/FULL - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example produces a full format display of the selected records. New records are displayed every 3 seconds. (See the /PAUSE qualifier description to find how to modify the duration of each record display.) Press Ctrl/C to interrupt the display and to enter interactive commands. 2.$ ANALYZE/AUDIT/FULL/NOINTERACTIVE - _$ SYS$MANAGER:SECURITY.AUDIT$JOURNAL The command in this example invokes the utility in noninteractive mode. It displays the first record selected and prompts you to press the Return key to display each additional selected record. Control returns to the DCL command level when all selected records have been displayed.