You can mask data that varies in test results from one test run to the next using DTM filters. You can also mask data during the recording of a test to produce a filtered benchmark file. DTM filters change specified data types (like time stamps) to ASCII characters of a standard format. For example, a OpenVMS time stamp of 13:20:23.0002 can be changed to hh:mm:ss.xxxx. The following table lists the available filters: Keyword Filter ALL Specifies that all the filters in this table be used DATE Where the date form is abbreviated, the date filter replaces date stamps by substituting a "d" for each displayed number of the day of the month, an "m" for each displayed letter of the month, and a "y" for each displayed number of the year. Where the date form is spelled out, the month name is replaced by "month", the numeric day is replaced by "day", and the year is replaced by "year". The following list shows some examples of the date filtering functions; this list is not all inclusive. 17-OCT-1998 with dd-mmm-yyyy 17 OCT 98 with dd mmm yy 98.OCT.17 with yy.mmm.dd 10/17/98 with mm/dd/yy 1998/10/17 with yyyy/mm/dd October 17, 1998 with month day, year Oct. 17, 1998 with month day, year 17.October.1998 with day.month.year 98-October-17 with year-month-day TIME Replaces time stamps with the following forms: 15:37:53.22 with hh:mm:ss.xxxx 15:37:53 with hh:mm:ss 15:37 with hh:mm 3:37 PM with hh:mm xm 15H37m with hhHmmm 15H37' with hhHmm' 15.37 h with h 15 h 37"53 s with hh h mm"ss s 15 h 37 min with hh h mm min kl 15.37 with kl h 15.37 with h FILE_NAMES Replaces the file names with FILENAME.EXT DIRECTORIES Replaces the directory specification field in the file specification with DISK:[DIRECTORY] TRACE_BACK Replaces 32-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx and 64-bit memory addresses with xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx VERSION Replaces file versions with VERSION
1 – cre_filt
To apply a filter to result files when you create or modify a test description, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu. 2. Choose the Create or Modify menu item (depending on whether this a new or existing test) and choose the Test... submenu item from either resulting submenu. 3. Click on the Options... button. 4. Enable the filters you want applied to the test. To apply filters to any file, including files not associated with DTM, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Testing menu. 2. Choose the Filter... menu item. You must re-create any test collections that include modified tests.
2 – del_filt
To delete a filter from a test description, perform the following steps: 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu. 2. Choose the Modify menu item and the Test... submenu item. 3. Click on the Options... button. 4. Disable a filter by clicking on the filter name or button. You must re-create any test collections that include modified tests.