DECW$PRINTWGT.HLB  —  Overview  que_options
  The Queue Options dialog box contains file-specific
  options. By selecting an option, you can control the
  way a file is printed.

  "Default" displayed in an option menu indicates
  that the value used for this option is the default
  associated with the selected queue.

  Click on the Options... button to select additional
  printing options.

  For more information about queue options, double click
  on an item from the list of additional topics below.

1  –  number_copies_opt

  Use the Number of Copies field to enter the number of
  copies you want printed.

  You can print from 1 to 255 copies.

2  –  page_range_opt

  DECwindows to print selected pages of a file without
  having to print the entire file. If you do not want
  to print an entire file, use the Page Range fields to
  enter a range of pages to be printed.

  The Page Range entry fields are the From field and the
  To field. The From field should contain the first page
  number in a range of pages you want to print. The To
  field should contain the page number of the last page
  you want to print.

  The From field must be less than or equal to the To
  field if the To value is given.

  By default, the From field indicates the first page of
  the file and may be left blank.

  By default, the To field indicates the last page of the
  file and may be left blank.

3  –  print_formats_box

  Files contain different character sets and data types.
  Each data type has a unique format. The Print Format
  list box allows you to describe what kind of data is in
  the file. DECwindows then interprets that data, formats
  the data, and prints the file.

  A highlighted format in the Print Format box is the
  default format unless you change it. The following
  formats are available in the Print Format box:

  Format Name  Data Type          Data Translation

  Text         ANSI Level 0       Text-only
  Line         ANSI Level 1       Overstrike for emphasis
  Terminal     -                  -
  ANSI2        ANSI Level 2       ANSI data including
                                  select graphics
                                  rendition (SGR)
                                  converted by the ANSI
  ANSI         ANSI Level 3       ANSI data including
                                  the LN03 and LN04
                                  ANSI translator for
                                  PostScript printers.
  PostScript(R)PostScript(R)      PostScript program
                                  data processed by the
                                  PostScript interpreter
                                  without conversion.
  ReGIS        ReGIS              ReGIS command data
                                  converted by the ReGIS
  Tektronix    Tektronix          Tektronix graphics
                                  command data converted
                                  by the Tektronix
  DDIF         DDIF               Revisible-format
                                  images, generic

4  –  printers_box

  The Printer list box allows you to select the printer
  or the print queue to which your job will be sent.

  By default, the printer or print queue that is
  highlighted will be used.

5  –  orient_opt

  Some printers allow you to control page orientation.
  That is, you can control how text or images are placed
  on the paper. To do this, use the Orientation options.

  DECwindows includes three page orientation options:
  default, landscape, and portrait.

  Portrait and landscape orientation are indicated by
  symbols similar to the following in the Queue Options

      Landscape Orientation:   Portrait Orientation:

         +-------------+             +-----+
         | ~~~~~~~~~~~ |             | ~~~ |
         | ~~~~~~~~~~~ |             | ~~~ |
         | ~~~~~~~~~~~ |             | ~~~ |
         +-------------+             | ~~~ |

  Click on the Default button to set the page orientation
  to the orientation that is defined in the print queue.

  Click on the landscape symbol to set the page
  orientation to landscape printing mode. The symbol
  is then highlighted.

  Click on the portrait symbol to set the page
  orientation to portrait printing mode. The symbol is
  then highlighted.

6  –  print_aft_field

  Use the Print After field to set the time and date when
  your print job will be printed.

  You can use the Print After option to delay printing
  large jobs until after work hours. If you do not enter
  a time in the Print After field, the job is immediately
  submitted to the print queue.

  You must specify the date using the format day-month-
  year and the time using the format hour:minute. (For
  example, 23-SEP-1989 17:30.) The syntax is sometimes
  specified as follows:

           dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm


  dd    Specifies an integer in the range 1 to 31.
  mmm   Specifies the month as: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY,
        JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, or DEC.
  yyyy  Specifies the year, which must be an integer in
        the range 1858 to 9999.
  hh    Specifies the hour, which must be an integer in
        the range 0 to 23.
  mm    Specifies the minute, which must be an integer in
        the range 0 to 59.

7  –  del_file_button

  Use the Delete File When Printed button to control
  whether a file is deleted after the print operation is

  A highlighted button indicates that the file will be
  deleted after it has been printed. By default, files
  are not deleted.

8  –  ok_button

  Click on the OK button to indicate that you have
  finished modifying the Queue Option fields and you
  want to begin printing.

9  –  canc_button

  Click on the Cancel button to indicate that you do not
  want to print a file.

10  –  options_button

  Click on the Options... button to set additional print
  options. The Print Options dialog box is displayed.

  The Print Options dialog box includes options that
  allow you to control a print operation.
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